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While creating a new settlement, ran into a few issues.


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Alas, I have spent some time on creating a new settlement in the Chevy Chase East cell. While testing it to make sure visually everything was working I brought along an NPC companion, just an NPC I picked up while using "ZableBlazes' Companion Share and Recruit mod", and as I was strolling around I noticed the NPC would completely stop in a certain area. I ran towards a few different areas to see if she would follow and she remained still as a stone. Of course, as I would turn back to leave she would jump back into gear and follow me out.


Now, I brought another companion in, one thats been similarly coded like the vanilla companions, Mika the sniper. She would completely STOP right in front of the gates into the settlement. I pushed her into the settlement to see how she would act, and she was frozen to whatever spot I pushed her to, and wouldnt follow me in or out, lest I push her out again. The following screenshots Ive included will show the areas in question.


If anyone knows what I need to do to fix this issue please let me know, I imagine once I start adding vendors and residents and the like, its gonna make things difficult, I would like to get this issue out of the way more now than later, plus the settlement so far is neat, and I think people might like to see it. Thanks!!




Red line = everything Ive added in the cell, bottom half.

Yellow Line = Mika stops here

Blue Line = Other companions stop here.


Closeups of both areas



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