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quick update question


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I'm sure this has been asked before but when updating skyrim with an official patch are there any issues I need to be aware of? Some guides I've read say when installing make sure to install any mods after updates. Going through and reinstalling mods after every patch seems a bit much, I hope this isn't necessary

Edited by welp11
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No it is not neccessary to update a mod with each patch. Thing is a mod made with a certain version of the CK, such as 1.8 reguires the game to be atleast 1.8 for the mod to work. if you had 1.7 then it may or may not work at all. But on the flip side since 1.9 is out mods made with 1.8 are still good unless they are mods that will break with new versions of the game such as unoffial patches, SKSE, SKYUI, FNIS. Just check with the description or if you are still unsure ask in the mods comment section to see if the mod in questions needs to be updated when Skyrim is. Most mods like armor and weapons do not require the mod to be updated when Skyrim is, and an easy rule of thumb is check the patch notes, if one of the mods you use changes something in the patch notes then it needs to be updated as well.

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Yeah I SKSE, SKUI and the unofficial patches were the ones I was mostly worried about. I backed up everything, updated and it seems fine. If I run into anything I guess I'll just checked the specific mod page like you said. Thanks!

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