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Possible player book case bug?


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i may have found a bug when using player book cases.

i only noticed this because i am making a mod and made a book case. i thought i made it wrong when i tested it, but the bug is still there in the vanilla game breezehome book case.


problem = if the player takes a book directly off the shelf, then check the shelf inventory, an extra book space is available in the shelf inventory.


*this lets the player place more books than the set maximum in the shelf inventory.

the number of books visually on the shelf never exceed the maximum though.


if anyone has a fix for this, let me know. i am using the creation kit and i am really enjoying it. my mod is a large house with plenty of storage space. i can't seem to stop adding to it.

if this is a bug, how does bethesda find out? only curious. i guess they are too busy to browse forums.


thanks, stevmjon


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