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Bashumgood's low memory mod package


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Hi guys and girls,

as promised i am gonna post my addon list for my bottle necked system, personally the pick i have made
here is so that my 4gig DDR3 system doesn't crash because it needs 6 gig, or more, of memory to run all
the mods. To contrast what i am having to take into consideration, are the following specifications:

Asus motherboard (can't find the box for type, will follow soon)
I5 3550 processor running ar 3,4ghz (sleightly overclocked from 3.3)
cooled by a CoolerMaster V8
2 x 2 gig corsair DDr3 memory running at 2000 mhz. (my bottle neck)
OCZ's Agility series 60Gig SSD as main drive and a 2 Terra D drive both on 6gig connectors.
NVidia's GTX 560 grafics card
powered by a 600wat OCZ ModX stream pro

This system is a self build with advise form one of my Corporation members in EvE before my other
computer had a burn out.

My system uses about 1,05 to 1,15 Gig of DDr memory with a clean start up with Windows 7 OS, starting Skse and running
Skyrim set at High quality grafics and medium shadows at 512x512 and most shadows off, increases the
memory drain to around 3 Gig DDr memory with the following mod list:

Before i start, this list will need Skse or it won't run the propper mods and not even start up the game :P
Also i will flag a few of these mods as Adult, no i don't run sexy resize textures but i do like looking at
an atractive Avatar, and i find Kick Ass girls awesome to play :P for certain types of builds.

(edit) As i compile this list i am having to update a few mods, the mod list will show how complex the system actually
is, maybe i just need to update one mod but have to turn off a few others to maintaine the same load order.

Skse 1_06_09
Nexus Mod Manager 0.44.4
Skyrim configurator

Abodes - Player Homes:

- Hunters Cabin of Riverwood - Hunters Cabin of Riverwood

Animals, creatures, mounts and horses:

- Beast Skeletons - Beast Skeleton NMM version 5 1
- Convenient Horses - Convenient Horses v4_6
- skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds - skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds


- Feminine Running and New Dash Animation - Feminine Running Animation v1-1 non BBP pack
- New Animation for Running with Bow - Bow - Running forward v1-2b female-exclusive - FNIS
- Pretty Combat Idles
- Pretty_female_idle_all_in_one_pack_NMM_Installer_v1.865
- The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod - The Dance of Death 4-0 - Ultimate Edition
- XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS - XPMS


- Amazing Ebony Armor Redone - - Ebony Redone V2 -
- ARMONIZER Armors Pack - ARMONIZER - Armor Pack v23
- Ashara Princess of the Woods armour
- Ashara Princess of the Woods armour - Optional wig
- Assassins Creed Nightingale retexture - Assassins Creed Armors STANDALONE
- Avatar of Balthazar - Avatar of Baltazar
- Better fitting Glass Helmet - Better fitting glass helmet
- Black Mage Armor - Black Mage Armor v3-0
- Black Overlord Armor - Black Overlord - Hardcore Version
- Calyps Razor Assassin Armor Complete - UNP UNPB UNPCv2 Favored Souls - Calyps Razor Assassin Armor - BSA - Complete
- Crimson Ranger Armor - Archer v1
- Crimson Ranger Armor - Archer v1 Fix
- Crimson Ranger Armor - Black Ver Textures
- Crown Helmets - Crown Helmets_AIO_2_5A
- Daedric Armor and weapon Improvement - royal_daedric_2_5_3_sa_full
- Daedric Assassin Armor - Daedric Assassin Armor 1_3 Full
- Dark Imperial Armor ReTexture -Standalone Craftable- - Dark Imperial Armor Standalone Craftable FIXED
- Dawnguard Vampire Armors Retexture - Replacer 2048X2048 by Messias Mummo
- Dawnguard Vampire Armors Retexture - Standalone 2048X2048 v1-2 by Messias
- Deathbell Princess - CBBE_UNP_CBBE Slim_UNP Skinny - Deathbell Princess - Version 3 - Body Specular Fix
- Dragon Knight Armor - Dragon Knight Armor v2
- Dragonbone armor colour detail - Crimson Armor HD
- Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor - Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor 1-4c
- DreamBurrows Regal Assassin Armor - DreamBurrows Regal Assassin Armor
- DreamBurrows Regal Assassin Armor - zzjay and Grace Darklings Hoods With Hairs - Dreamburrows Regal Assassin
- Drow Armor Set - Drow Armor Set
- Dwemer Goggles and Scouter - Dwemer Goggles and Scouter
- Grace Darklings Ranger Armor V3 - Grace darklings Ranger Armor V3
- Immersive Armors - Immersive Armors v6
- Immersive Armors - UNP Support for Immersive Armors v6
- Immersive Armors for NPCs - Immersive Armors for NPCs
- Inpou by Neo - Inpou Armour by Neo - UNP V1_10
- Knight Of Thorns Armor And Spear of Thorns - Knight and Spear Of Thorns
- Liliths Armor - Standalone - Liliths armor fixed2
- Mask of Blades - Mask of Blades by Seppoko and Raeynne v2 - Enchanted Version
- Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood - Masters of Death - Sicarius Armor Standalone
- Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood - Optional Black Sicarius Armor Variant
- Medusa Drakul armors and Thanatos dragon - Medusa and Drakul Armors
- Nightingale Prime HD - Nightingale Prime HD
- Nightingale Prime HD - Nightingale Prime HD - Leather Version (Inactive)
- Omegared99 - Armor Compilation - Compilation
- Open Dragon Priest Masks by Calyps - ODPM - Open Dragon Priest Masks - Male and Female
- Perfect Legionnaire - Imperial Armor Reforged 4-0 - Perfect Legionnaire 4-0
- Perfect Legionnaire - Imperial Armor Reforged 4-0 - Perfect Legionnaire 4-0 - Mesh Fix for Female Heavy Armor
- Perfect Legionnaire - Imperial Armor Reforged 4-0 - Perfect Legionnaire 4-0 - Proper Gloves and Gauntlets FIXED
- Razor Scales Armor and Cannibal Lord Mask HD - Razor Scales Armor and Cannibal Lord Mask HD - Standalone Version
- Ritual Armor of Boethiah - Ritual Armor of Boethiah
- Silverlight Armor for DIMONIZED UNP Body - Silverlight Ver 1_5 Chainmail Slim Body (Adult)
- Silvernight Armour - Silvernight Armour
- Silvernight Armour - Silvernight Armour with Blood Red Gems FIX
- Skull Helmets - Skull_Helmets
- Sorceress elven robe for UNP - Sorceress elven robe for UNP v1_10
- Temptress of Flame - CBBE_UNP_CBBE Slim_UNP Skinny - Temptress Of Flame - Final
- Temptress of Ice - CBBE_UNP_CBBE Slim_UNP Skinny - Temptress Of Ice - Final
- The Dark Brotherhood Armor TS Edition - The Darkbrotherhood Armor TS Edition v1500
- Tribal Might Armor HD -Glass Armor Rehaul- - Tribal_Might_Armor_1_2 -Standalone- 4x Vanilla Resolution
- UNP Dawnguard Armors - UNP Dawnguard Armors for the Slim body
- UNP Dragonborn Armors - UNP Slim Dragonborn Armors
- UNP Nord Chainmail Armor - UNP Nord Chainmail Armor
- Witch Elf Armor - UNP - Witch Elf Armour
- Wolf Armor Remix Male and Female - Wolf Armor Remix Updated and fixed

Audio, sounds and Music:

- Better Animal Footsteps - Better Animal Footsteps 1
- Clanking Armor - Clanking Armor
- IHSS - Improved Horse Step Sounds - Improved Horse Step Sounds
- Improved Combat Sounds - Improved Combat Sounds V2 2
- Intro music replacement by Malukah - Intro music replacement by Malukah LOUDER
- No Sneak Attack Sound - No sneak attack sound
- Respectful Lydia - Willing Burden Carrier - Respectful_Lydia-What_to_Carry
- Smooth blade draw and Sheathe - Smooth draw and Sheathe sfx
- Ultra Realistic Bow Shoot Sounds - Bow sound


Bug Fixes:

- Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix

Cheats and God items:

- KenMOD - Lockpick Pro - Cheat - Lockpick Pro v3

Cities, towns, villages and hamlets:

- Beautiful Riften - Beautiful Riften
- Beautiful Whiterun - Beautiful Whiterun
- Dawnstar Expanded - DawnstarExpanded
- Expanded Towns and Cities: Villages
- ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities - Falkreath - ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities - Falkreath
- Winterhold - Expanded Ruins - Winterhold - Expanded Ruins


- Bandolier - Bags and Pouches - Bandolier - Bags and Pouches v1dot101
- Bandolier - Bags and Pouches - Bandolier - Mesh fixes patch
- Casual bikini shoes gloves stockings for UNP UNPB BBP CBBE ADEC - Newmiller casual bikini shoes gloves stockings v2_50 for UNP v 1_2 high-res textures 2048x2048
- Cloaks of Skyrim - Cloaks of Skyrim Patch v1-1
- Cloaks of Skyrim - Cloaks of Skyrim v1
- Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - INPCC_Expansion pack_1_1
- Jester Outfit ReTexture -Standalone and Craftable- - Dark Jester Both Versions Updated
- Jester Outfit ReTexture -Standalone and Craftable- - Dark Jester Replacer Version
- Mage Backpack by Tumbajamba - magebackpack
- R18Pn Set - Inner Wear Set for UNP and CBBEV3 - Inner Wear Set for CBBEv1dot2full
- TwoRings - TwoRings_1_2
- UNP Undies - UNP Undies 1_5
- Winter Is Coming - Cloaks - WIC Cloaks 2_2
- Winter Is Coming - Cloaks - WIC Cloaks of Skyrim Patch 2_2


- Faster Arrows - Faster Arrows v1_01

Companions - Other:

- My Home Is Your Home - a mod for followers - MHYH_12
- UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Dawnguard AddOn
- UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul
- UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO Heartfire AddOn




- Enhanced Distant Terrain
- Intricate Spider Webs - ISW High v1_3
- Lush Trees and Grass
- W.A.T.E.R Dragonborn
- W.A.T.E.R. - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux

Gameplay effect and changes:

- Achieve That!
- Cooking Expanded - Cooking Expanded - Hearthfire
- Cooking Expanded - Cooking Expanded 1_2b
- Kace Auto Loot - MCM Configurable Autoloot - Kace auto loot v22
- Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers - Move_it - Less Wait Time
- Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers - UFOtweak
- Predator Vision - Vampire Werewolf and Khajiit - Predator Vision v 1_2
- Realistic Ragdolls and Force
- Skyrim -Community- Uncapper - Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_14_3_0
- Sustained Spells - SustainedSpellsv2_0

Guilds and factions:

- Imperial Legion Armor Variety - Legion Armor Variety Normal 1-2
- Stormcloak Armor Variety - Stormcloak Armor Variety

Hair and face models:

- ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiHelmetWigs_v_1_0
- ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_Patch_UNP_CBBE_BodySize_0
- ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full
- ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_2
- ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_3
- ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHairMale_v_1_0
- The Eyes Of Beauty - Eye of Beauty NPC eyes texture replacer
- The Eyes Of Beauty - The Eyes Of Beauty Dawnguard Update
- The Eyes Of Beauty - The Eyes Of Beauty PLAYER Unleashed


- Dead Body Collision Fix - With Improved Fireball Spell
- Dovahkiin Relaxes Too - dovahkiinrelaxV16
- Even Better Quest Objectives - Even Better Quest Objectives Main File
- Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival - 2048x2048 HD Travel Cloak Fur Texture
- Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival - Frostfall 2_2b Release
- Guard Dialogue Overhaul - Guard Dialogue Overhaul
- Guess the Distance - Perceptive Scouting - Guess the Distance v1_1_3b
- Lore-Based Loading Screens - Lore-Based Loading Screens 1_0
- Makers Mark Ingots - Makers Mark Ingots - by mikeomni
- Point The Way - Point The Way
- Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth - Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth v1_0_1
- Real Effect Candle - Real Effect Candle
- Realistic Needs and Diseases
- RND Patch Pack
- Telescope - KWTelescope092
- Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge - WBE_1_1
- Wet and Cold - Wet and Cold v1_12

Items and objects - Player:

- Craftable Dragonbone Crown - Craftable Dragonbone Crown
- The Art of War - Sun Tzu - Sun Tzu - The Art of War
- Wearable Lanterns - Wearable Lanterns 2_2a

Items and objects - World (nexus has spelling mistake here lists as wolrd)21-03-13 still states wolrd)

- High Quality Food and Ingredients - HQ_FOOD-INGREDIENTS_1-6_CUMULATIVE_
- Super Realistic Ore Textures - Super Realistic Ore Textures
- Unique Booze Bottles HD - Unique Booze Bottles Alternate Names Version
- Unique Booze Bottles HD - Unique Booze Bottles v1

Magic - Alchemy, potions, posions and ingredients:

- Harvest Overhaul

Magic - Gameplay:

- Acquisitive Soul Gems - Acquisitive Soul Gems - 2_4 - BSA

Magic - Spells and enchantments:

- Deadly Spell Impacts


- Advanced Mannequins - Advanced Mannequins v1_1
- Better Sorting
- Labeled Mines - ShiverTwitchs Labeled Mines v2_1
- Vals Crafting Meltdown Alpha - Melting Smelting and Fletchin - Vals Crafting Meltdown Full English

Modders recources and tutorials:


Models and textures:

- aMidianBorn Book of Silence
- aMidianBorn Book of Silence - aMidianBorn Mace of Molag Bal
- Better Gold - Better Gold - Shiny Gilt Gold v1-21
- BGM Glass and Elven Armour and Weapons - BGM_Elven_and_Glass_AaW_v03
- BGM Glass and Makers Mark - Integration - BGM Glass and Makers Mark - Integration
- Bloody Dragon Bones - Bloody Dragon Bones 2k
- Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows
- Detailed Chests Texture Replacers - Chests_Rich_Dirty_2048
- DIMONIZED UNP female body - UNP BASE Skinny body V1dot2 (Adult)
- Fitness Body
- Skill Interface Re-Texture
- Skill Interface Re-Texture: SkyRe Compatibility Patch
- Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Skyrim Flora Overhaul Basic v181a
- Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Dungeons
- Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Landscape
- Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Misc
- Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Towns
- Vampire Lord Retexture - Vampire Lord Armoured 3-1
- Vampire Lord Retexture - White Hair patch


- DSpSoB - Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back - DSpSoB_1_0_Dawnguard
- Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel - Final Edition
- Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Climates Of Tamriel Dawngard Patch
- T3nd0s Skyrim Redone
- T3nd0s Skyrim Redone - Custom_Uncapper_INI
- T3nd0s Skyrim Redone - SkyRe_Update_099233




- Cooking Expanded - Realistic Needs and Diseases Compatibility Patch - Main Version
- DSpSoB Compatibility Fixes and More - Neovalen Custom Skeleton Pack
- Show Race Menu Precache Killer - SRM Pre Cache Killer
- Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
- Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
- Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
- Unofficial Skyrim Patch
- Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix - Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix v2_1 Statue Default

Races, classes and birthsigns:

- Better Females by Bella - Better Females by Bella Version 3
- Better Females by Bella - No shine


- SKSE Scripts

User interfaces:

- A Quality World Map
- A Thinner Compass
- Better Dialogue Controls - Better Dialogue Controls v1_2
- Better MessageBox Controls - Better MessageBox Controls v1_2
- Categorized Favorites fixes - Better Sorting and artifacts - CFM-BSC_v11
- Categorized Favorites Menu - CategorizedFavoritesMenu v0_1_17
- Categorized Favorites Menu - Right-Left-Mouse-Button-Fix
- Immersive HUD - iHUD - Immersive HUD v2_2
- KenMOD - Time on loading screen - Time on loading v5
- RaceMenu - RaceMenu v1-4-5
- SkyUI
- Unread Books Glow


- Auto Unequip Ammo - Auto Unequip Ammo v5_0
- Follower Trap Safety - Follower Trap Safety v1_1
- ReProccer - Automated SkyRe patch generator - ReProccer_16

Visuals and graphics:

- Better Dynamic Snow - Better Dynamic Snow 2-20
- CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights - CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights - v4A
- Crimson Tide - Blood - Crimson Tide v2-2 FULL
- DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field - DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field v 2_2
- Footprints - Footprints v0_99
- Footprints - Footprints v0_99 - Ash Supplemental ( for some reason stays greyed out in MCM)
- Glowing Ore Veins 300 - Glowing Ore Veins 300 2_00
- IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim - IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device v1c
- Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem - Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem Slow Speed
- Realistic Smoke and Embers - RSE High v1_4
- Static Mesh Improvement Mod
- Towns and Villages Enhanced - Solitude - Towns and Villages Enhanced - Solitude
- Towns and Villages Enhanced - Windhelm - Towns and Villages Enhanced - Windhelm
- ULTRA REALISTIC WORLD LIGHTING for Skyrim BETA - URWL Skyrim V2B Dark (desaturated it by 10 points with claralux)


- Immersive Weapons - Immersive Weapons
- Torch Arrows - Better Sorting Add-On - Dawnguard
- Torch Arrows - Torch Arrows - Dawnguard
- Unique Bows Collection - UniqueBows1-1
- Unique Uniques - Unique Uniques

Weapons and armour sets:

- Daedric Lord Armor by Natterforme - Daedric Lord Armor Version 1_15
- Dark Nemesis Armor - Ebony Reincarnation - Dark Nemesis - STANDALONE
- Kynesguard and Daedra Hunter Weapons and Armor - KDWA
- Warglaives and Silverlight Armor 099 CBBE - Warglaives 099


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Next part lists the load order and here i need your help, my problem is that i can play skyrim max for
2 hours, then if i zone it closes the client, i suspect the problem is somewhere in the load order but
i haven't got a clue what the problem is. please help.

Load order:

Index L.O. Plugin
001 00 Skyrim.esm
002 01 Update.esm
003 02 Dawnguard.esm
004 03 Hearthfires.esm
005 04 Dragonborn.esm
006 05 ApachiiHair.esm
007 06 ApachiiHairMales.esm
008 07 ApachiiHairFemales.esm
009 08 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
010 09 ETaC - RESOURCES.esm
011 0A Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.esm
012 0B Omegared99-Compilation.esm
013 0C SPIKE.esm
014 0D WinterholdDestruction.esm
015 0E Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
016 0F Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
017 10 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
018 11 Unofficial Dragonbord Patch.esp
019 12 Chesko_Frostfall.esp
020 13 Better Dynamic Snow.esp
021 14 Clanking Armor.esp
022 15 Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp
023 16 SkyrimURWL.esp
024 17 CLARALUX.esp
025 18 CLARALUX-DG-Patch.esp
026 19 CLARALUX-DF-Patch.esp
027 1A Skyrim Shado Striping Fix.esp
028 1B StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
029 1C ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp
030 1D Prometheus_BeastSkeletons.esp
031 1E Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
032 1F CookingExpanded.esp
033 20 CookingExpanded - Hearthfire.esp
034 21 Dead Body Collision.esp
035 22 DaedricCrownCraftable.esp
036 23 DragonCrownCraftable.esp
037 24 DragonPlateCrowCraftable.esp
038 25 DSpSoB.esp
039 26 EbonyCrownCraftable.esp
040 27 ElvenCrownCraftable.esp
041 28 GlassCrownCraftable.esp
042 29 GuessDistance.esp
043 2A Mannequins.esp
044 2B skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp
045 2C Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
046 2D StormcloakArmorVariety.esp
047 2E Unique BOOZE Bottles.esp
048 2F Unique Booze Bottles Alternate Names Version.esp
049 30 ValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.esp
050 31 Convenient Horses.esp
051 32 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
052 33 KaceAutoloot.esp
053 34 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
054 35 DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
055 36 Footprints.esp
056 37 IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp
057 38 WetandCold.esp
058 39 SkyUI.esp
059 3A iHUD.esp
060 3B Archer's.esp
061 3C AsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.esp
062 3D AssassinsCreedArmor.esp
063 3E Avatar of Baltazar.esp
064 3F Black Overlord Armor Set.esp
065 40 calyps-razorarmor.esp
066 41 chainmail.esp
067 42 Cloacks.esp
Cloacks - No Imperial.esp
Cloacks - Player Only.esp
068 43 1nivWICCloaks.esp
069 44 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp
1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No Imp.esp
070 45 Construct Dragonbone Crown.esp
071 46 d2helmets.esp
072 47 Daedric Lord Armor.esp
073 48 DaedricAssassinArmorLight.esp
074 49 DaedricAssassinArmorHeavy.esp
075 4A Equipment - Armor - Dark Imperial Armor.esp
076 4B DarkNemesis.esp
077 4C DK_Armor_By_Hothtrooper44.esp
078 4D DragonBoneEbonsteel.esp
079 4E DreamBorrowsRegalAssassin.esp
080 4F Drow Armor Set.esp
081 50 Dwemer Goggles & Scouter.esp
082 51 GDRangerArmor.esp
083 52 hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
084 53 Jojjos Warglaives.esp
085 54 KCEDeathBell.esp
086 55 Knight of Thorns Armor.esp
087 56 MaskofBlades.esp
088 57 Masters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standlone).esp
089 58 Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp
090 59 MessiasDarkJester.esp
091 5A NeoInpouArmour.esp
092 5B Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp
093 5C R18Pn - Inner Wear Set.esp
094 5D Ritual Armor of Boethiah.esp
095 5E royal_deadric.esp
096 5F TorchArrow-Dawnguard.esp
097 60 TorchArrowBS-Dawnguard.esp
098 61 TribalMightArmor.esp
099 62 Witch Elf Armor.esp
100 63 zz_GD_DB_RAHoods.esp
101 64 Dr_Bandolier.esp
102 65 ImmersiveArmorsNPC.esp
103 66 calyps-dragonpriestmasks.esp
104 67 HarvestOverhaul.esp
105 68 HarvestOverhaulDawnguard.esp
106 69 HarvestOverhaulCreaturesDawnguardHearthfire.esp
107 6A Beautiful Riften.esp
108 6B Beautiful Whiterun.esp
109 6C RIC_Dawnstar.esp
110 6D Kynesguard.esp
111 6E PumpingIron.esp
112 6F RealisticWhiterun.esp
113 70 RiverwoodHuntingCabin.esp
114 71 AchieveThat.esp
115 72 AncientDBarmorTSedition.esp
116 73 Babette.esp
117 74 BetterQuestObjectives.esp
118 75 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp
119 76 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp
120 77 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).esp
121 78 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp
122 79 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp
123 7A Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp
124 7B Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (Ranked).esp
125 7C Headbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.esp
126 7D FasterArrows50.esp
127 7E Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
128 7F Immersive Weapons.esp
129 80 Ket_ARMONIZER_LListsNPC.esp
130 81 LegionArmorVariety.esp
131 82 TwoRings.esp
132 83 UnreadBooksGlow.esp
133 84 Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge.esp
134 85 ETaC - Darkwater.esp
135 86 ETaC - Dragon Bridge.esp
136 87 ETaC - Iverstead.esp
137 88 ETaC - Riverwood.esp
138 89 ETaC - Rorikstead.esp
139 8A ETaC - Morthal.esp
140 8B ETaC Follower Add-On.esp
141 8C ExpandedWinterholdRuins.esp
142 8D TAVESolitude.esp
143 8E TAVEWindhelm.esp
144 8F ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
145 90 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp
146 91 ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
147 92 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
148 93 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
149 94 RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp
150 95 RND_ETaC-Patch.esp
151 96 RND_Hearthfires-Patch.esp
152 97 RND_USKP-Patch.esp
153 98 RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp
154 99 Predator Vision.esp
155 9A dovahkiinrelax.esp
156 9B SustainedSpells.esp
157 9C NoSneackAttackSound.esp
158 9D The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp
159 9E Crimson Tide - Blood.esp
160 9F SkyRE_Main.esp
161 A0 SkyRE_Combat.esp
162 A1 SkyRE_EncounterZones.esp
163 A2 SkyRE_EnemyAI.esp
164 A3 SkyRE_EnemyScaling.esp
165 A4 SkyRE_StandingStones.esp
166 A5 SkyRE_Survivalism.esp
167 A6 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
168 A7 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
169 A8 UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp
170 A9 UFO - Hearthfire AddOn.esp
171 AA My Home Is Your Home.esp
172 AB Follower Trap Safety.esp
173 AC moveitLWT.esp
174 AD SkyRE_Races.esp
175 AE WATER.esp
176 AF WATER Plants.esp
177 B0 WATER DB Waves.esp
178 B1 RND_Water-Patch.esp
179 B2 Cooking Expanded - RND Support.esp
180 B3 RaceMenu.esp
181 B4 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
182 B5 ReProccer.esp
183 B6 ShiverTwitch's Labeled Mines.esp
1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No ImpGuards.esp
184 B7 IHSS.esp
185 B8 Footprints - Ash.esp
186 B9 MageBackpack_byTumbajamba.esp
187 BA ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities - Falkreath.esp
188 BB KWTelescope.esp
189 BC MessiasVampireArmorRoyalRetexture.esp
190 BD RazorPlateArmorMask.esp
191 BE Sun Tzu - The Art of War.esp
192 BF NewmillerSorceress1.esp
193 C0 KCEFlameBikini.esp
194 C1 KCEIceBikini.esp
195 C2 lilithsarmor.esp
196 C3 UFOtweak.esp
197 C4 RND_UniqueBoozeBottles-Patch.esp
198 C5 UniqueBows.esp
199 C6 BetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.esp
200 C7 Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp
201 C8 NewmillerShoesUNP.esp
202 C9 NewmillerCasualBikiniUNP2.esp
203 CA manny_Status.esp
204 CB DeadlySpelImpacts.esp
205 CC DeadlySpelImpacts - Two Fire.esp
206 CD Point The Way.esp
207 CE Unique Uniques.esp
208 CF Black Mage Armor.esp
209 D0 UNP Undies.esp

I'll try and update these lists from time to time and any ideas that could complimet this list would
be welcome.

I Also want to thank Bethesda with providing such furtile land upon which all the previous named
people have given us such incredible content to an already awesome game.
The only other games i can think of that has such player added content and devotion to a Title are
World of Warcraft (personally pre Lich King) with it's addons that enrich your player experience and
EvE online in which players and developers work together to improve their gaming experience.....
and Skyrim is not an MMO (ok yeah there is a mod for it, but that makes it an online experience if
you choose to use the mod, where as EvE and WoW are MMORPGs per definition in their own field of
expertise, i'll not bore you with all the details :P)

P.S. if anyone can help, my game runs for max 2 hours and then shuts down, most of the times this
happens right after a zoning, if anyone knows what the problem is, please let me know so i can play
longer then 2 hours, though the shut down does force me to take a break.

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