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NPC Speech Audio Missing from Installed Mods


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Recently I've installed several mods that have added conversation bits to NPCs. I first noticed this problem when installing World of Pain. I'd walk up and talk to certain NPC's and they would just stare at me, saying nothing.


Today I installed "Goodsprings Shack" to add a home for me in Goodsprings. However, I'm instructed to speak to the townsfolk to find a key to the shack, and when I click on the topic during a conversation with Trudy, she puts her hand on her hip and says nothing.


It seems like any mod that I install that adds or changes NPC conversations is simply not working. I did a search on the web and this forum and couldn't find anybody that was having this problem to the best of my knowledge. No metion of this in the FAQ for "Goodsprings Shack" either.


Anybody have any ideas on how I can get this fixed? How can I get my mod's conversations working?


Thanks in advance...

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Here is a short video that will show you exactly what is happening.


When I talk to Trudy I will first select a stock conversation option and you'll see that it works properly. Then I select the option added by the "Goodsprings Shack" mod. No speech...


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Can you post a LO please?


From the video you posted, there is no problem, just no custom voice acting for the new dialogue. You must have subtitles tuned on in the main Fallout menu to see the dialogue. If Trudy was supposed to give you a key to that house than the add script has failed for some reason. And for the record, AWOP doesn't have any voice acting either, for the most part I believe, again you will need subtitles to see the dialogue for most if not all the AWOP characters.

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