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A little help from a few mods


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Hello, I downloaded http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11447# but when I use a torch, they dont use the animation wherein they get their hands to a 90 degree angle. It really looks bad cause it looks like they're scorching themselves. Can anyone please fix this?


PS. I downloaded the BBP but I tested the non BBP animations and it's the same.


Also -If nobody minds if I post here- can anyone help me find (i don't care if it's lore friendly or not) If someone could help me find some sexy clothes mod for this (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4888) mod? :P

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Bumping is kind of frowned upon here. Especially after only half an hour. Try to only bump if you have osmething relevant to add to the topic.


The torch glitch is likely an issue with the mod itself. You should simply inform the modder of your issue and see if he fixes it. Unless of course it's not an issue that anybody else is having, in which case it's likely an incompatability error. Do you have any other mods installed?

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