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Unintended Instant shout cooldowns


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So I have a bunch of mods installed and whenever I am playing mah Skyrimz and i get my first shout I seem to have instant cool down times. While at first it was fun just endlessly Fus'ing something to death with my back against a corner so no one could melee me or running away really fast with Wuld I quickly became bored with insta cool downs and want a semblance of balance again. I usually use BOSS to modify my load order then tweek it slightly with the launcher mod manager. And in chat I was directed here. So I recently ran BOSS one more time and am attatching the resulting text file for any to examine who might know where this issue is coming from.


If you guys need my pc specs just ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.



Edited by Ninnia
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