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I like the geck. Not like working on other stuff where I spend most of the time writing code... this thing is like legos. In 2 weeks with the GECK, I added more content to the game then I did in 2 months Quake 4 or HL2.


I agree! I have tried using other editors, and i vvill be honest, sometimes i have a hard time just learning the basics and i try my best. You vvork and vvork and vvork and half the time you spent so so so much time and you have crap in front of you.


Yes fine, so you hate the geck, it cant do things yada yada yada! vvhy does everyone expect so much more! the only reason im getting involved in this is because id like to become a video game developer and I can some vvhat understand this from the companies side and from the side of the modders. Your points are made and i understand vvhat your saying. Hovvever, YOU cannot expect EVERYTHING out of a company, you are biting the hand that feeds you. Your lucky you even have been given the geck. Im sorry the one thing I DO disagree vvith. You said they took people vvho dont knovv anything about programing to make it. That is the most rediculous comment ever. Of course programmers vvere involved! Believe me the release of the GECK vvas planned out. A company alvvays has to do planning first before just throvving somthing out to public. Bathesda vvouldnt exsist today if they just threvv things out at people vvithout planning it first. Plus you say they dont have alot of stuff. Its their game, their copyright. Maybe they dont vvant certain things out, maybe thats vvhy vve dont have it.


Dosent stop people hovvever, very smart people make addons for games and programs and such and you say vvovv novv i CAN do this this that this that yay... time and patients, and if you do vvant more instead of SIMPLY ranting vvhy not request it? maybe you can find someone vvho vvould be vvilling to help.


I personally love the geck. VVhy? because it gives me the ability to create stuff, add it into the vvorld of the game and say hey, i made this, and it only took me this much time to do it in. Plus Bathesda offers you one thing that other game engines dont.


or atleast i dont knovv any others, vvhich is the ability to make somthing in Their vvorld.. and it shovvs up vvithin your save data, no oh gotta start a nevv game or oh gotta make it a entire nevv vvorld just for this and that yada yada. Plus have you played fallout 3? because i knovv im going to sound like a loser novv but i dont care, ive done about every quest in the game, side quests and main story. vvhy? so i knovv vvhat else i could add to the game and edit and use the editoer happily because i knovv vvith the geck its easy to use and i can make stuff look just as good as bathesda did, maybe even better if i vvork hard enough!


Honestly speaking, vvhy focus on so many negatives, vvhen honestly you can look at the positives and negatives of it and use it for vvhat its capable for and have fun like most people do. Besides if you have the talent to make great stuff vvith the geck please do so! the more mods the better!


Someone said Bathesda is one of the fevv companies that actually care about their audience. i feel this is true, and thats vvhat i love about this company! But that vvont last forever if all they have are people vvho bicker at them. vvhich people do, im not saying you, im just saying in general.


I also understand somtimes companies make promises but vve should knovv by novv they dont alvvays come through. Maybe they vvill.


And yes i READ every post just so i could make my comment. Because i feel if your allovved to rant then so should be allovved the priviliage, hovvever my rant argues yours but hey thats life.


You said in your posts you ask yourself "vvhy!"


im guessing the vvhy meaning, vvhy am i using the geck? vvell i ask my self vvhy on some other editors in the world. but i dont go to a community page and rant about it infront of so many people vvho happen to be FANS. or maybe just people vvho enjoy modding!


Please understand im not looking to get cursed out or argued at, i just thought i vvas allovved to have the privilege to add my response too!


Sorry for typing a storm >.>

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Don't get me wrong, I don't completely hate the G.E.C.K. or modding. I'm sorry you whorshipful fan boys think it should be above critique, or that there's such an outraged response over the frustrations that everyone must be facing. However, as probably a long time fan of Bethesda and a modder, I'm pretty disappointed with what I see. Everyone raving about how much Bethesda has given with this game really needs to take a hard look at how much that really is in content, and how much that must've been in wasted man hours because of someone's deliberate attempts to make it as inefficient as possible! I'm not necessarily saying Bethesda is scamming us, but it's pretty apparent that some clever-but-not-necessarily-smart programmer is pulling a hustle here.


The new 'Entry Points' feature, great. Except that it points an early design inflexibility without repairing it at any scope. And even still it's application is far more limited than it could be, it could be useful for scripts. This not only would've been easier to do from the beginning, it would've been easier to expand on, easier to work with and led to a broader creative use of the feature. Wasted man hours.


Formid Lists -- excellent! So why is it not a useful entry for any other item type? Why aren't Levelled lists now based on them? Why can't idle lists, music lists, conditions reference lists, all be used? This would cut so much production time and provide for so much more variety in design.


Scripted Effects are addable, excellent! This means I can put a script on an actor only when the situation calls for it, have great control over beginning initialization and final cleanup, and because it doesn't mod the base script, it's perfectly compatible with any mods on that character. But why not on objects such as weapons, projectiles, doors? And why can't all scripts have hooks for scriptstart and scriptend?


It's like programmers were sitting around waiting for requests, and didn't just do the bare minimum to meet deadlines, but went out of their way to implement a result strictly to the definition of what was asked, collected billable hours for their work and got congratulated by people who didn't know what they were looking at.

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To each their ovvn, but i dont remember insulting you on your end due to your desicion so i dont see vvhy you needed to start off vvith an insult. i mean your point isnt to mock people...



ok fine ill admit, SO IM the anal one but still dont take things out on other people, people are entitled to opinion that dosent mean you should mock them. Also if i did Mock you in anyvvay and didnt notice then i apologize for it. but i dont think i did.

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I'm sorry you whorshipful fan boys think it should be above critique
ok who sed it's above critique i think we all sed it wasn't perfect holy $hit if your going to insult use can it make sense.






btw its Lago not lagos its like people and peoples. btw this is not an insult but a correction

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