skinsworld Posted January 8, 2021 Share Posted January 8, 2021 So i have pretty big mod list for skyrim and no the game keeps crashing after a few seconds ingame can anyone tell what the problem is ? i have my mod order and papyrus here. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 5 5 Dragonborn.esm 6 6 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim City Patch Modified.esm 8 8 Skyrim Supplemental Patch.esp 9 9 Skyrim Exterior Fixes.esp 10 a WM Flora Fixes.esp 11 b Forgotten DungeonsAll.esp 12 c ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 13 d WinterholdDestruction.esm 14 e ApachiiHair.esm 15 f EFFCore.esm 16 10 Cutting Room Floor.esp 17 11 SkyUI.esp 18 12 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp 19 13 Extended UI.esp 20 14 Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp 21 15 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 22 16 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 23 17 RaceMenu.esp 24 18 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 25 19 Sovngarde Particle Fix.esp 26 1a ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp 27 1b ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp 28 1c Vividian - Weather Patch CoT.esp 29 1d CoT-WeatherPatch.esp 30 1e ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-1.esp 31 1f ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp 32 20 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp 33 21 Vividian - Weather Patch Vanilla.esp 34 22 CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp 35 23 CoT-WeatherPatch_NL2.esp 36 24 TrueStorms.esp 37 25 TrueStorms-CoT-WeatherPatch.esp 38 26 mintylightningmod.esp 39 27 MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp 40 28 WondersofWeather.esp 41 29 The Forts of Skyrim-Rebuilt.esp 42 2a CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 43 2b Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods-32Bit SKYRIM.esp 44 2c Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp 45 2d Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp 46 2e JewelCraft-NoRename.esp 47 2f Vividian - Torches Preset.esp 48 30 fortdawnguardimmersive.esp 49 31 CWIELnFXPatch.esp 50 32 College Apprentice Room.esp 51 33 ICOW Patch.esp 52 34 CWICRFPatch.esp 53 35 arvak_replace.esp 54 36 Rebirth Monster.esp 55 37 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp 56 38 The Great Town of Shor's Stone.esp 57 39 The Great Town of Karthwasten.esp 58 3a Unique Shops and Stores.esp 59 3b Skamps Claw .esp 60 3c Undriel_QuaintRavenRock.esp 61 3d whiterunMarket.esp 62 3e The Great City of Solitude.esp 63 3f FDIELnFXPatch.esp 64 40 Weathered Road Signs.esp 65 41 SoS - The Wilds.esp 66 42 Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp 67 43 OpulentThievesGuild.esp 68 44 The Great Village of Mixwater Mill.esp 69 45 SkyFalls + SkyMills.esp 70 46 EnhancedHallOfVigilant.esp 71 47 Settlements Expanded.esp 72 48 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp 73 49 SoS - The Dungeons.esp 74 4a Skyrim Exterior Fixes - Patch - ELFX.esp 75 4b whiterun spruce by revan1199.esp 76 4c SRG Enhanced Trees Activator.esp 77 4d Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp 78 4e High Hrothgar Enhanced.esp 79 4f Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 80 50 Realm of Lorkhan - Custom Alternate Start - Choose your own adventure.esp 81 51 JKs LITE - Cities.esp 82 52 Temple of Mara.esp 83 53 AnnaFourShields.esp 84 54 RiverwoodTraderOverhaul.esp 85 55 Rorikstead Village Overhaul.esp 86 56 Serenity.esp 87 57 SMIM-Merged-All.esp 88 58 Atlas Legendary.esp 89 59 SMIM-Merged-NoDragonborn.esp 90 5a CaveGrassFix.esp 91 5b Tel Mithryn.esp 92 5c Immersive Weapons.esp 93 5d Run For Your Lives.esp 94 5e fallentreebridges.esp 95 5f Dawnstar.esp 96 60 Iros (Abandoned Building Replaced) .esp 97 61 TacticalValtheim.esp 98 62 GloriousWhiterunEntrance.esp 99 63 JKs Skaal Village.esp100 64 RayeksEnd.esp101 65 The Drunken Skeever.esp102 66 CaranthirTowerReborn.esp103 67 Morning Fogs.esp104 68 Hroggar's house.esp105 69 CHPZStandingStonesStandOut.esp106 6a GreaterSaarthal.esp107 6b The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp108 6c DirtcliffsTextureFix.esp109 6d NorthernClearSpringTarn.esp110 6e RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp111 6f GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp112 70 Mage Outfit Texture Overhaul.esp113 71 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp114 72 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp115 73 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp116 74 CuyiPriestHoods.esp117 75 JS Barenziah - Johnskyrim.esp118 76 Treasure Maps of Skyrim.esp119 77 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp120 78 PDragonbane_Replacer.esp121 79 Skysan_ENBHorseTrough.esp122 7a Beards.esp123 7b Brows.esp124 7c VWA_VanillaWarpaintsAbsolution.esp125 7d NB-Scars.esp126 7e Saeri_Khajiit_Hair.esp127 7f Bijin NPCs.esp128 80 Bijin Warmaidens.esp129 81 PAN_NPCs_DG.esp130 82 PAN_NPCs_DB.esp131 83 Tel Mithryn Prison.esp132 84 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp133 85 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp134 86 dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp135 87 Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim.esp136 88 Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp137 89 dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp138 8a FNIS.esp139 8b KKFur.esp140 8c KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp141 8d KKSDrBWeightFix.esp142 8e Auto Unequip Ammo.esp143 8f CanalHome.esp144 90 gonkishvampdens.esp145 91 WhiteLighthouse.esp146 92 SuperbSerana.esp147 93 Skyrim Exterior Fixes - Patch - CACO.esp148 94 The Dance of Death.esp149 95 My Home Is Your Home.esp150 96 Lizaveta.esp151 97 BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp152 98 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp153 99 RichMerchants.esp154 9a Males of Skyrim.esp155 9b ValCustome.esp156 9c Eyes of Aber.esp157 9d LindsMerEyes.esp158 9e EFFDialogue.esp159 9f UIExtensions.esp160 a0 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp161 a1 CWIOrdinatorPatch.esp162 a2 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp163 a3 RealisticWaterTwo.esp164 a4 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp165 a5 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp166 a6 Bashed Patch, 0.esp167 a7 Vivid Snow.esp [01/08/2021 - 06:25:29PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[01/08/2021 - 06:25:29PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:29PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[01/08/2021 - 06:25:29PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Cannot open store for class "TimedLightSwitch", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__02009D60", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__02009D60 to (42009D60) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Cannot open store for class "RorExpShopKeeperscript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Cannot open store for class "lco_mcmscript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Cannot open store for class "SMC_MCMRegister", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Error: Unable to bind script SMC_MCMRegister to SMC_LCORegister (5607D12E) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Cannot open store for class "fissinterface", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "RegisterMod" in state "" on object "TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo".[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Cannot open store for class "TacValt_MCMRegister", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:41PM] Error: Unable to bind script TacValt_MCMRegister to TacValt_LCORegister (61CCC090) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D010AD0) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009BC3) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009BC1) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009C00) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D012746) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009BC2) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D00B761) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D00B819) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script achievementsscript to (55011E95) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script dunexplorecompletescript to (500FAE59) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Cannot open store for class "CWITelescopeScript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script CWITelescopeScript to (2A32C9F3) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script RorExpShopKeeperscript to (55008C6E) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:42PM] Error: Unable to bind script CTR_Script_DisableAI to (663B55BB) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property ClearWeather on script VividSnowPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest VividSnowMapTracking (A70012D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property DLC1_SkyrimClearFV_A on script cwicookingpotglowscript attached to (2A099019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property BanditControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property banners on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property ControlMessage on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property WhiterunControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property RadiantExclusionsList on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property PlayerRef on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldShockLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property ImperialControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldFrostLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property ControlGlobal on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldBlockLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property StormcloakControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property CannotUse on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldFireLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property LCO_IsRunning on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property NewOwner on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property DefaultOwnership on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property gameTimeUpdateDelay on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property realTimeUpdateDelay on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property thisLocation on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property defaultOwner on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property CurrentOwnership on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] error: Cannot set property ChangeOwnership on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (A009F906) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] Error: Property LackMessage on script AATreasureArmorScript attached to (8F0666B2) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (8F03C770) is not the right type[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (5E006469) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Blue on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Black on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Red on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Gold on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (66270C89) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (66270C8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (663CE9F3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (663CE9F6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (00107908) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] Error: Property LackMessage on script AATreasureArmorScript attached to (8F061500) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (8F03C770) is not the right type[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (4001DCF5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] Error: TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo.OnInit() being called on an invalid object, aborting function callstack:<empty stack>[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] FNIS aa (load game) started[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] [MorningFogsMenu <MorningFogsMenuQuest (67007417)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] [sKI_ActiveEffectsWidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (11000822)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] [sKI_ActiveEffectsWidget <SKI_ActiveEffectsWidgetInstance (11000822)>]: Updating to script version 2[01/08/2021 - 06:25:46PM] [EFFConfig <FollowerGameSettings (0F000F67)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [AUAConfigQuestScript <AUAConfig (8E00DC53)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [CCO_MCMScript <CCO_MCMStartupQuest (2C05EA5A)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [zbloodEBTmenu <zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (720389EC)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [AtlasMCMScript <ATLAS_MCMQuest (5800FB03)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [NPCO_MyConfigMenu <NPCO_MyConfigMenu (A29C39F2)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [ORD_SKSE_Script <ORD_SKSE_Quest (A017C1CC)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script <WB_SkyUI_Quest (9804013A)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [EXUI_MCM <EXUI_QUST_MCM (13002DB3)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] ===== Extended UI: MCM - Version 1 =====[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] ===== Extended UI: MCM - Version 2 =====[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] ===== Extended UI: MCM - Version 3 =====[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [DanceOfDeathMCMScript <DanceOfDeathMCMScript (9403311F)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [LoS_MCM <mannyLOS_MCM (0400E6C7)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Initialising Populate Lists script...[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (1100082A)>]: Updating to script version 2[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_FavoritesManager <SKI_FavoritesManagerInstance (1100082A)>]: Updating to script version 3[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [effpanel <FollowerPanel (0F000F68)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [CACO_MCMScript <CACO_MainQuest (2D0A2A3F)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnConfigInit() - "_SPLSkyUIConfig.psc" Line 93[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp13"stack:[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnConfigInit() - "_SPLSkyUIConfig.psc" Line 93[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 114[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnInit() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 85[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [_splskyuiconfig <_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [CTR_Script_MCM <CTR_Quest_MCM (66448676)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [ARTH_RFYL_ConfigMenu <ARTHRFYLMCMQuest (5D01265A)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (370C4C3A)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (370C4C3A)>]: Updating script to version 16[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [NPCO_MyConfigMenu <NPCO_MyConfigMenu (A29C39F2)>]: Registered Immersive Citizens at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [AtlasMCMScript <ATLAS_MCMQuest (5800FB03)>]: Registered $ATLAS_AtlasMapMarkers at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [MintyMcmPatchQuestScript <MintyLightningQuest (26000D62)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Minty Lightning : Updating to version 23[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 2[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 3[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 4[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 5[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 6[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [LoS_MCM <mannyLOS_MCM (0400E6C7)>]: Registered Lanterns of Skyrim at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 7[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 8[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sKI_ConfigMenu <SKI_ConfigMenuInstance (11000820)>]: Updating to script version 9[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [EFFConfig <FollowerGameSettings (0F000F67)>]: Registered EFF at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [EXUI_MCM <EXUI_QUST_MCM (13002DB3)>]: Registered $EXUI_MODTITLE at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [_splskyuiconfig <_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)>]: Registered $Wonders of Weather at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [CCO_MCMScript <CCO_MCMStartupQuest (2C05EA5A)>]: Registered Complete Crafting at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [CACO_MCMScript <CACO_MainQuest (2D0A2A3F)>]: Registered Complete Alchemy at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [ARTH_RFYL_ConfigMenu <ARTHRFYLMCMQuest (5D01265A)>]: Registered Run For Your Lives at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [CTR_Script_MCM <CTR_Quest_MCM (66448676)>]: Registered Caranthir Tower at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [MorningFogsMenu <MorningFogsMenuQuest (67007417)>]: Registered Morning Fogs at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [zbloodEBTmenu <zGoreEffectsPlayerQuest (720389EC)>]: Registered Enhanced Blood at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [AUAConfigQuestScript <AUAConfig (8E00DC53)>]: Registered Auto Unequip Ammo at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [WB_MCMQuest_Script <WB_SkyUI_Quest (9804013A)>]: Registered Apocalypse Spells at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [DanceOfDeathMCMScript <DanceOfDeathMCMScript (9403311F)>]: Registered The Dance Of Death at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [ORD_SKSE_Script <ORD_SKSE_Quest (A017C1CC)>]: Registered Ordinator Perks at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [fdisemcmscriptnew <FDISEMCMConfigQuestNew (3000AAD3)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (370C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings. [01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (370C4C3A)>]: Registered Immersive Creatures at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] VM is freezing...[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] VM is frozen[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Reverting game...[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Error: Unable to bind script dunexplorecompletescript to (500FAE59) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009BC1) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009BC3) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Error: Unable to bind script SMC_MCMRegister to SMC_LCORegister (5607D12E) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Error: Unable to bind script CTR_Script_DisableAI to (663B55BB) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:47PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009C00) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF__02009D60 to (42009D60) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script TacValt_MCMRegister to TacValt_LCORegister (61CCC090) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D00B761) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script RorExpShopKeeperscript to (55008C6E) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D00B819) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D010AD0) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script CWITelescopeScript to (2A32C9F3) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D009BC2) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script TimedLightSwitch to (3D012746) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Unable to bind script achievementsscript to (55011E95) because their base types do not match[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property BanditControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property banners on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property ControlMessage on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property WhiterunControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property RadiantExclusionsList on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property PlayerRef on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldShockLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property ImperialControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldFrostLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property ControlGlobal on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldBlockLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property StormcloakControlMarker on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property CannotUse on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TacValt_ShieldFireLevel on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property LCO_IsRunning on script TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo attached to (6101016A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property NewOwner on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property DefaultOwnership on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property gameTimeUpdateDelay on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property realTimeUpdateDelay on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property thisLocation on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property defaultOwner on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property CurrentOwnership on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] error: Cannot set property ChangeOwnership on object TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo because the object is flagged as invalid, property skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Property LackMessage on script AATreasureArmorScript attached to (8F061500) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (8F03C770) is not the right type[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] Error: Property LackMessage on script AATreasureArmorScript attached to (8F0666B2) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (8F03C770) is not the right type[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (66270C8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (663CE9F3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (A009F906) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property ClearWeather on script VividSnowPlayerAliasScript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest VividSnowMapTracking (A70012D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (00107908) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (4001DCF5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property DLC1_SkyrimClearFV_A on script cwicookingpotglowscript attached to (2A099019) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (66270C89) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Blue on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Black on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Red on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property CTR_Clothes_Robes_Reward_Gold on script CTR_Script_Robes attached to (66A7584D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property WMFFControlQuest on script CACO_AltFloraScript attached to (5E006469) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:48PM] warning: Property TestMessage on script CTR_Script_VaultDoor attached to (663CE9F6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Loading game...[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_ReEquipper_var on script QF_PlayerWerewolfQuest_0002BA16 loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Cannot open store for class "mt_quest_npcframeworkscript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type mt_quest_npcframeworkscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::ArmorFxWerewolfTransitionSkin_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::BleedOutStart_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::bleedoutStop_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::DLC2ArmorFXWerebearTransitionSkin_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::HowlWerewolfSummonWolves_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::j_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::leftHandHasSpell_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::leftHandSpell_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Armor_Werebear_Transformation_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Armor_Werewolf_Transformation_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Comp_Dawnguard_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Comp_Dragonborn_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Comp_RaceCompatibility_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_BeastFormCD_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_FeedingSkillGainChance_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_FeedingSkillGainType_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_NoBeastFormCD_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_PostBleedout_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_ReEquipper_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_WerebearSkins_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_WerewolfSkins_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Config_WolfAlly_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_HowlWerebearSummonBears_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Player_TherianthropeType_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Quest_SkinFramework_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_SkillName01_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_SkillName02_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_SkillName03_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_SkillName04_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_SkillName05_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_SkillName06_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_FX_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown120_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown150_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown180_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown210_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown240_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown270_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown300_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown30_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown60_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldown90_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::MT_Spell_TransformCooldownNoCD_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::PlayerRef_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::powerSpell_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::rightHandHasSpell_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::rightHandSpell_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::SavedOutfit_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::TempForm_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Variable ::Torch01_var on script playerwerewolfchangescript loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Cannot open store for class "mt_quest_skinframeworkscript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type mt_quest_skinframeworkscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Cannot open store for class "mt_quest_compatibilityscript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type mt_quest_compatibilityscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Cannot open store for class "MT_Ref_CompatibilityScript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type MT_Ref_CompatibilityScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Cannot open store for class "mt_quest_keyscript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type mt_quest_keyscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Cannot open store for class "MT_Quest_MCMScript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type MT_Quest_MCMScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] Cannot open store for class "mt_quest_playerframeworkscript", missing file?[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type mt_quest_playerframeworkscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Unable to get type TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type mt_quest_npcframeworkscript in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type mt_quest_skinframeworkscript in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type TacValt_Controller2ElectricBoogaloo in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type MT_Quest_MCMScript in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type MT_Ref_CompatibilityScript in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type mt_quest_compatibilityscript in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type mt_quest_keyscript in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] warning: Could not find type mt_quest_playerframeworkscript in the type table in save[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] VM is thawing...[01/08/2021 - 06:25:54PM] [EFFConfig <FollowerGameSettings (0F000F67)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] Error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest vvvMarkHomeQuest (95000D62)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] FNIS AA started (load)[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or [01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [immersive Citizens] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored. [01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete. [01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [effpanel <FollowerPanel (0F000F68)>] INITIALIZED[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] InitWidgetLoader()[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scanning for supported plugins...[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] ========== ERRORS RELATED TO MISSING FILES SHOULD BE IGNORED![01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] Error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[AUA (8E00C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.GameLoaded() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 40[AUA (8E00C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 73[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scan complete.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] Error: Method GetFormID not found on MT_Quest_MCMScript. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (11000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (11000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 84[alias PlayerRef on quest SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (11000802)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp67"stack:[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (11000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.Cleanup() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line ?[sKI_ConfigManagerInstance (11000802)].SKI_ConfigManager.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigManager.psc" Line 84[alias PlayerRef on quest SKI_ConfigManagerInstance (11000802)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [EFFConfig <FollowerGameSettings (0F000F67)>]: Registered EFF at MCM.[01/08/2021 - 06:25:55PM] [sic_configmenuscript <SIC_ConfigMenuQuest (370C4C3A)>]: Loaded user settings. [01/08/2021 - 06:25:56PM] Error: File "WetandCold.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_SPLQuest (28000D65)]._splquestscript.Maintenance() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 94[alias _SPLPlayer on quest _SPLQuest (28000D65)]._SPLPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_SPLPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6[01/08/2021 - 06:25:56PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnConfigInit() - "_SPLSkyUIConfig.psc" Line 93[_SPLQuest (28000D65)]._splquestscript.Maintenance() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 112[alias _SPLPlayer on quest _SPLQuest (28000D65)]._SPLPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_SPLPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6[01/08/2021 - 06:25:56PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp13"stack:[_SPLSKConfigQuest (2800388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnConfigInit() - "_SPLSkyUIConfig.psc" Line 93[_SPLQuest (28000D65)]._splquestscript.Maintenance() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 112[alias _SPLPlayer on quest _SPLQuest (28000D65)]._SPLPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_SPLPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6 i hope someone can help with this. 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Gorgopis Posted January 22, 2021 Share Posted January 22, 2021 Maybe see today's discussion on the other threads about other CTD's or crashes to desktop. Â Some methods are listed there to help with crashing issues. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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