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Everytime I walk into a house/shop/etc... stuff goes flying everywhere...

When my companion Lyndai is with me it goes everywhere faster... She wreak absolute havoc


What mod do you suggest I get that helps to keep clutter where it is supposed to be unless i need to move it myself?


also looking to organize all my house mods what do you suggest as far as a mod goes to help me set up my weapons and books etc...etc... to where they stay put and where I can organize them to look nice?

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  Tchos said:
I used Redecoration



Select items, lock them in place, move them with precision, etc.


Thanks i'll give it a try



So what about a mod that locks all clutter in places like in other peoples houses and shops etc that way i dont have to go in each shop and organize it seperatelt as that would take forever...

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