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Sticky Mines & Angled Shrapnel, Traps?


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I don't know why, but it always got under my skin that the only place I could put a Frag Mine, or Bottlecap Mine, or [insert Mine Name Here] Mine, was on the damn floor. Look, I love gravity as much as the next guy, but c'mon... I'm not asking for something spectacular here, I'm just asking if it's even remotely possible to make a mine that can stick to the ceiling of a hallway or to the walls because honestly, there is nothing cooler than watching an "ugly" walk right into the path of a mine without knowing it's on the ceiling.


My second issue with mines is that, there is literally no threat from getting a direct blast from a mine for anything tougher than a normal Supermutant. Similarly, in real life, commando's make use of a technique called "Angle'd Shrapnel" for use in Anti-Infantry mines. The mine is placed or buried in a specific way so that the majority of the shrapnel is sent cascading towards the victims face, arms, legs, etc. I think, that from my decription above, you've already picked up my idea, and if you haven't, my idea is to see if it's possible to, maybe, use VATS with mine placement. Basically, you target your enemy in VATS while still holding the mine, and select the spot you want to hit, then the mine is dropped, when the enemy walks close enough to trigger the mine, all the damage from the mine is directed at the target-specified body part. And, Ta-da, angled shrapnel.


Finally, and I apologize for the lengthyness of these requests, is the ever-wanted, traps mechanic. I dont know if it's even remotely possible to perhaps give the player the ability to set up things like "Grenade Bouquets with trip wire or pressure plates" and "Shotgun Traps, with trip wire or pressure plates". I think that would be so awesome, you could set up some of the most insane defenses or, use traps for offensive pulls. Anywho, those are my requests/idea's, I hope they inspire some of you guys.

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I tried at one point to make somthig I called a "poxy launcher" which was a rocket luancher that shot missles that stuck into the environment, then explode when sombody walked by, unfortunatley I couldn't get it to work, either the missles could stick into the environment, but not explode, or explode by proximity, but not stick into the environment. the former also failed to explode on a direct hit to an enemy and was utterly useless, so I scrapped the whole thing.


so I'm saying that sticky bombs are a no unfortunatley.


also anything with a proximity fuse will result in a 0% to hit in vats, so unless sombody can disable the dont shoot at 0% thing then I doubt your vats idea wont work either, sorry bud.

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