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Help! Costume made armor CTDs my game


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So I wanted to make a suit of armor made with the proustite outfit from FONV so I spliced a few meshes together from various armor sets to get This creation, but when I try to wear it in game it just CTD. I used Outfit Studio to put it together. I also tried using Nifskope but I don't know how to use that software to well. I also watch hours of modding videos on what to do but nothing is helping. I manage to get some armor to work by this methide before by this mod I made here. which works fine but idk where screwed up this time.

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Please don't spam the forum by posting in several sub-forum sections at once. You asked this question in the Technical Support forum as well and received an answer there that your links are bad (as here). Without the proper information, no one can help.


FYI: this is the proper sub-forum for such help with "art assets". "Different sections get different eyeballs."



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