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Armour mods don't work


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hey guys. i have recently installed a couple of armour mods including daedric assassin and daedric mage amour, and they aren't showing up in my smithing recipies. I have immerisive armours installed and those work fine. I also have a perk overhaul mod installed, though i'm not sure if thats it. any suggestions?

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Is that all of your mods? If you tried to install this using NMM or a similar program, try installing it manually. As well, the order mods laod in could possibly cause issues. Try loading mods that change base features first, then mods that add any completely new content. Any add-ons for mods should go directly after them in load order, or after any other required files for the add-on. Hope this helps!

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i'm about to install them manually, I have a lot more mods than that, way too many to list here. I've recently upgraded my computer after a HDD failure, and i had those mods installed using NMM and they worked fine, but are no longer. hopefully manually installing works.

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