Vancer2 Posted March 23, 2013 Share Posted March 23, 2013 Ok So I have gotten to the point where I was Just Fed up with the constant crashing so I got FNVedit and it looked easy enought but. It wasnt. At first it didnt crash as much (which is good) :biggrin: But some minor bugs remained like Occasional fights where I would encounter an enemy who appeared to be armed with a knife but after being alerted and then them charging me and me killing and then looting I discover a 40mm GR on their body. (hmmmm I have 2 fits and 1 GR okay lets do this!) or crashing after entering a building or exiting one. So here is my load order followed by pictures with descriptions. [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] FNVToolkit.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] SelectFire.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] RBX.esm [X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm [ ] CompanionInfAmmo.esm [X] Inventory Access.esm [ ] RH_IRONSIGHTS_NV.esm [ ] Brahmin Bess.esm [ ] Selective Fire.esm [X] IWS-Core.esm [X] ExpansionVendors.esm [X] BAN - Reloaded.esp [ ] VeryHardCustom50x300.esp [X] ColdTurkey.esp [ ] BoxFix.esp [ ] FatigueWeaponsFix.esp [X] VendorBulkBuyFixer.esp [X] Automated Reloading Bench.esp [ ] Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp [ ] USMC Armor.esp [X] 44SpecialRestore.esp [ ] Dead Money - Automatic Rifle fix.esp [ ] GrenadeAmmoExpansion.esp [ ] Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp [ ] HUD Extended.esp [ ] HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp [ ] LessIntrusiveKillCam.esp [ ] maxlevel.esp [ ] sds.esp [ ] Readius_NV.esp [ ] NCR Rearmed.esp [ ] VendorGameTimeRestockNoNVSE.esp [ ] IncreasedLegion1_1.esp [ ] wex_L115A1.esp [ ] Euclid Tweak.esp [X] Fallschirmjager.esp [ ] Wasteland Defense.esp [X] New Vegas Map Markers.esp [X] MapMarkers-PlayerHomes.esp [X] Lucky38_Armoury_Stocked.esp [ ] CameraShakingReduction.esp [X] BoltGun.esp [ ] StormRifle.esp [ ] XFO - 6a - Pacing - Faster (No Cap).esp [X] XFO - 6aa - Epic Skills - Effects Over 100 (NVSE req).esp [ ] ThrowMine.esp [ ] DWDEagleV12Final.esp [X] XFO - 6b - Pacing - Mild (No Cap).esp [ ] grenadeweight.esp [ ] GunRunnersExpandedV4.esp [ ] grenadesorted.esp [ ] XFO - 6c - Pacing - Med (No Cap).esp [ ] XFO - 6d - Pacing - High (No Cap).esp [ ] XFO - 6e - Pacing - Vanilla (JUST No Cap).esp [ ] UsableCigarettes neunen Ver for New Vegas.esp [ ] No Weapon Remove Dead Money.esp [ ] XFO - 9a - Enemies - AI revamp.esp [ ] XFO - 9da - Enemies - NPC Healing - low.esp [ ] XFO - 9db - Enemies - NPC Healing - med.esp [ ] XFO - 9dc - Enemies - NPC Healing - high.esp [ ] Weapon.10mmTacticalSMG.esp [X] ExtendedNVRadio.esp [X] Casino UnBanner.esp [ ] CompanionDe-Equip.esp [ ] CompanionInfAmmoOptional.esp [ ] CompanionInfAmmoCheat.esp [ ] HoverBoard.esp [ ] IWS-Core-Patrols.esp [X] IWS-Core-Guards.esp [ ] IWS-Core-Civilians.esp [ ] IWS-AS-HighSpawns.esp [ ] IWS-AS-MedSpawns.esp [ ] IWS-AS-LowSpawns.esp [ ] IWS-AS-NoInteriorSpawns.esp [ ] airborne.esp [ ] Shooting_Range.esp [ ] killcamp.esp [ ] VeryHardCustom50x250.esp [ ] VeryHardCustom75x200.esp [ ] VeryHardCustom75x250.esp [ ] VeryHardCustom75x225.esp [ ] VeryHardCustom100x300.esp [ ] VeryHardCustom100x200.esp [ ] SR-25 noscope.esp [ ] IWS-AS-EnableDebugInfo.esp [ ] UsableCigarettes.esp [X] MoreShells.esp [X] pyDoF.esp [X] ContrerasMapMarker.esp [X] BankCard.esp [ ] Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp [X] MauserC96.esp [X] XRE - Smart Arms.esp [X] Mateba.esp [X] Return To Sierra Madre.esp [X] Karabiner98k.esp [X] The Weapon Mod Menu.esp [X] KABAR.esp [ ] Improved ammo.esp [ ] 9mmColtRep.esp [ ] DoubleBarrelShotgun.esp [ ] jhazard.esp [ ] LFox Missing Ammo Recipes.esp [ ] longershells.esp [X] 1 AKSU ( Standart SD).esp [X] Forward Obsever.esp [ ] ACR.esp [ ] NV Fatal Headshots.esp [ ] customkillcam.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp [ ] Advanced Recon Tech - Kerberos-lower dt.esp [ ] Automatic Service Rifle.esp [X] DWSpas12.esp [ ] FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp [ ] Glow Sticks.esp [ ] Improved Throwing1.esp [ ] Jmod Bullpup Pack.esp [ ] mossberg500.esp [ ] Exciters MP5 Pack.esp [ ] JTommyGun4Loot.esp [ ] JTommyGun4Free.esp [ ] AG Weapon Reload Speed -Minor AGI.esp [X] KerberosPanzer.esp [X] Kerberosweapons.esp [X] Advanced Recon Tech - Kerberos.esp [X] Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [X] Lincoln's Repeater_v1.1.esp [ ] m110.esp [ ] craftable quantum.esp [ ] Lucky38_Armoury.esp [ ] mac10.esp [ ] AK47 with mods (Holosight).esp [X] Mossberg590.esp [X] NekhCFinderFix.esp [X] R700.esp [ ] SpookyJ's LngRng GRifle.esp [ ] THOR.esp [X] FlashlightNVSE.esp [ ] NCR Rearmament v1.5.esp [X] AG Weapon Reload Speed.esp [ ] USRIFLESPACK.esp [ ] NvTacticalVests.esp [ ] Powered Power Armor.esp [ ] Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp [ ] THE5 Visors Mod.esp [ ] Thermoptic Power Helmets.esp [ ] VRC.esp [X] Companions Commander.esp [ ] Companions Commander RUS.esp [ ] ImprovedCompanions.esp [X] m14damagefix.esp [X] M14SelectFire.esp [ ] HeaveHoFix.esp [ ] aaaJNFSniperZooming.esp [ ] noautoaim.esp [ ] Bullet Impact Increased LOD.esp [ ] turrets.esp [ ] dD-More Gore.esp [X] Faster Terminals.esp [ ] NCR - New Uniforms.esp [ ] Jump Fall Fixer.esp [ ] Hidden Weapons Pack.esp [ ] Lever Rifle fire rate slow.esp [ ] Rangemaster.esp [X] Max Level 100.esp [ ] BetterGrenadePhysicsLessBounce.esp [X] NoBlurOnHit.esp [ ] TorresFix.esp [X] MickSecretInventoryFix.esp [X] XIII + J3X's Flesh Burnificating Plasma.esp [ ] RH_IronSights_NV_Vanilla.esp [X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp [ ] WeaponModsExpanded_FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp [X] WMX-ModernWeapons.esp [X] GAE-EV.esp [X] EVGAEfix.esp [ ] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp [X] Fellout.esp [ ] Nights are Darker 50%.esp [ ] Cloaking Device.esp [ ] CustomLighting.esp [ ] CustomLighting II.esp [ ] Improved Ballistics Effects V2.esp [ ] WMX-MW-GRA.esp [ ] M14SELECTIVE.esp [ ] Special.esp [ ] Bashed Patch, 0.esp [ ] Fixed Errors.esp [X] MB500.esp [ ] Mergedmaster.esp [X] BanGunrunnerrecipe.esp After Trying to make a Merged Patch all it did was take everything and make a FormId List and give everything Masters as you can see here. In this one you can see all the Masters for this one merged patch quite a lot right? Im not sure if this is how im supposed to do this. During one attempt at making a merged patch i deleted most of the masters except for the fallout.esm with after starting my game would go to the main menu but to make a long story short i had to ctrl alt del and end the task and delete that merged patch This one as you can see is from using the filter with the check marks the windows as you can see but after this im not sure what to do. Im not sure If i need to edit all of the files to make a merged patch or a few files at a time as the tutorial for the FNVedit manual shows how to make a merged patch for a conflict between 2 - 4 mods Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AKcelsior Posted March 24, 2013 Share Posted March 24, 2013 Wow I'm a little confused but what the hell I'll give it a shot. For Skyrim I use a bashed and merged patch but I'm almost certain there is little reason to do that in the Fallouts (only because I've never had a problem FNVEdit couldn't fix). First you have a s#*! load of mods, remove any you can live without, I don't care if you have 100gb ram, the game only allows you to use 4. Secondly I would turn OFF the autosave feature in the options. This causes a lot of CTD when entering/leaving a building. Are you confused about FNVEdit? I don't know much about the program but creating a merge patch is a simple procedure. After you create your merge patch look thru it. All those colored entries are mods fighting each other and the edit is confused about what you want to do. Click a colored entry within your merged patch, look at the mods that alter those values and if there is a conflict you can solve it most times by dragging the correct values you want over to the patch. As far as masters that the merge depends on, why on earth would you delete any master that is not FalloutNV.esm? A merge patch is dependent on all sorts of masters, to remove them will naturally crash your game as the merge cannot find the master that a mod needs. If you are going to delete masters from a merge patch then you would be better off not using a merged patch at all. To be completely honest, when you create a merge patch you can ignore the colored entries and I would say a good 90% of the time your game will be fine and you won't even notice a conflict. You might be better off leaving all those red and orange values and seeing if the game runs like that. Last thing I would try is to delete your inis and let the game re-create them next boot. This will ensure the game isn't using custom values that might conflict with a mod or even the engine itself. Also every time you add a mod, remove a mod, or even simply change load order you must remake your patch. If you are moving load order around and adding/deleting mods on your current playthru then you might need to start over. Loose files have caused me countless hours of progress in Bethesda games due to the way the engine saves progress by burning your mod list into the save. I wish I could help more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vancer2 Posted March 24, 2013 Author Share Posted March 24, 2013 (edited) what do i need to make a "bashed" mod tbh i actually removed a lot of mods before and your looking at the end result of removing a lot of mods now when making a merged mod do i load all my mods into FNVedit at once or a few one at a time? Also I turned off autosave for my games long ago i learned that problem the hard way back when i first played fo3 on the ps3 Edited March 24, 2013 by Vancer2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vancer2 Posted March 24, 2013 Author Share Posted March 24, 2013 (edited) Ok i just tried deep copy as override a list into my bangunrunnersrecipe.esp and its in my leveled item section of the merged patch and when i tried to move a section from the WeaponmodExpanded to the new esp i got this error "Found a "STAT" reference, expected ALCH, AMMO, ARMO, BOOK, CCRD, CHIP, CMNY, IMOD, KEYM, LVLI, MISC, NOTE, WEAP, What does that mean and how do i fix that Edited March 24, 2013 by Vancer2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AKcelsior Posted March 24, 2013 Share Posted March 24, 2013 (edited) Holy... that's the result after you removed a bunch of mods!!? You are very brave, much more than me lol. Yes, load every mod you wish to use during your playthru into FNVEdit. I'm sorry if this sounds condescending or anything but I'm not sure your level of comfort yet so I'll walk you through what I do when starting a brand new game with mods. Okay, open your mod manager of choice and make sure your load order is good. If you haven't yet, download BOSS from the nexus, it works with most Bethesda games. Run that program and it will automatically sort your load order. Be warned, this tool is an aid, not an end all, you will still need to look at your load order after BOSS runs because some mods aren't uploaded to their database and sometimes it makes mistakes, but it's a good guide. Next open FNVedit. Once opened you are greeted with a mod list window with check marks next to all the mods you have active in your mod manager. Normally you will just click okay and let it load for a moment. When it's done you will have a nice list of all your mods on the left. Right click any mod and go down where it says "Other". Another hover menu will appear with the first option saying "Create Merged Patch". Click that and name your patch whatever you want. It should be fairly quick to create your patch. If the program runs into problems it will tell you. You can then click the + on the merged patch and look at all the records it merged. If you see a bunch of colored records then you will have to manually sift through them and tell it which competing values to use, however this is not absolutely neccesary. The conflicts are usually minor and remember red colors do not mean that it won't work, it's just trying to alert you that there are records that may need to be altered to get the game to perform as a certain mod author intended. Again, really not that big of a deal especially if you are new to this, ignore the colors for now. After that's all done close FNVedit. Upon closing it will ask if you wish to save your patch, click okay. Now reopen your mod manager and at the bottom of the load order should be a your new patch, do make sure it is checked and active and absolute LAST in your load order. Start the game and play. ***If you run into crashes then feel free to open FNVedit again and click okay. It will load all your mods including the patch you just made. You can then edit the patch as you want. In my experience though the merged patch is usually not the cause of crashes. Also crashes are usually not caused by a single mod, but many mods and their conflicts with each other, for that reason alone I tend to only use 1 overhaul mod, 1 weather mod, 1 monster mod, etc so there is little conflicts even without the patch. Again, I'm not sure how comfy you are with this program and I am by no means an expert at this sort of thing. I understand the frustrations that come with adding many mods and I remember how scary patching was. Everyone has their own opinions of what works for them based on their specs and mod list. What works for me, may not work for you. If your frustrations are boiling over then take a long hard look at your mods and remove even more of them. If you followed my instructions and are crashing more or the same then your save might very well be corrupt. Doing the above steps on a new game will yield the best results. Edit: Before making a merged patch in FNVedit I highly suggest removing any compatibility patches you have created with fnvedit or bash. You are creating a new patch, if you load an old patch and merge that patch into your new patch... well, that's very messy and will most certainly cause crashes all over. Edited March 24, 2013 by akkalat85 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AKcelsior Posted March 24, 2013 Share Posted March 24, 2013 Also about your conflicts picture with the filter boxes... I don't ever mess with those. If you want to clean your mods it is super easy now. Open FNVEdit with your mods loaded. Right click any mod and click "Apply filter for cleaning". This will take a short while depending on how many and what type of mods you use. Afterwards it will show you a god awful assortment of reds and oranges over your mods. Shift + click so that all your mods in the left are highlighted EXCEPT MASTERS. I had problems in the past with New Vegas when I cleaned masters for mods. Pretty much make sure everything that is .esp is highlighted then right click and click "Remove identical to master records". Let it do its thing, when finished close fnvedit and click okay to save all your changes to all the esps effected. This can dramatically reduce CTDs and freezing and I suggest doing it even if your game runs fine. A clean game is a happy game :) That's as far as my knowledge of patching goes. I really hope you solve your problem. This is an amazing game with mods once you are able to iron out all the conflicts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vancer2 Posted March 24, 2013 Author Share Posted March 24, 2013 (edited) Ok i did as u asked but is it normal for the merged patch to just have formID List and Container under it?And another thing it lists its masters as FalloutNVDeadmoneyGunRunnersArsenalBan-Reloaded1 AksuiWeaponsModExpandedWMX ModernWeaponsGAE-EVFallshirmjaegermossberg590 and thats all Im doubtful as thats all that should be there >.> Edited March 24, 2013 by Vancer2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AKcelsior Posted March 24, 2013 Share Posted March 24, 2013 I also just noticed you have a mod called FNVtoolkit.esm loaded above the DLC esms. I don't know what FNVtoolkit.esm is, but normally you would want all the Bethesda esms to load before any mod esms. BOSS will automatically sort that out. Delete the bashed patch. Make sure merge is last. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AKcelsior Posted March 24, 2013 Share Posted March 24, 2013 (edited) Yes formid and container are normal. If those are the only things the patch merged then your load order has very few conflicts. This is good. Your patch has formid listed because there are mods that are adding things (weapons, outfits, etc) this is normal. Container means the merged patch is combining mods that add things to certain containers in the world. My patch also has a "Creature" and "Leveled Item" because I use mods that are adding creatures to the game, since you don't have any mods like that you will not see those headings. Feel free to click the little + and take a look at your container and formids. Take a look at the colored entries and look at the message window to see exactly what those mods are adding and if there is a conflict you can drag the value into the merged patch. I would advise against it at this very moment until you are confident enough to do so. Don't start dragging things because I said it's a good idea cuz sometimes it's not. The more you use the program the more confident you will be. You shouldn't need to know much more than the basics to get the game to run correctly (assuming the mod authors know what they are doing). Edited March 24, 2013 by akkalat85 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vancer2 Posted March 24, 2013 Author Share Posted March 24, 2013 I edited my post check again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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