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Fallout NV Crashes with Some Extra Details Please Read (Pictures inclu


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As for installing Boss Do i need to install it on Both Pc's I have it on My Desktop right now

the one im on right now doesnt have FONV nor is it capable of running it

Edited by Vancer2
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There is a way. It requires you have BOSS installed on the offline machine and a flash drive.


BOSS saves a copy of the masterlist in your BOSS/NewVegas folder. You can run boss on your online pc, go into the boss folder and copy the masterlist to a flash, drag it onto the offline pc in the boss/newvegas directory and away you go. On the offline PC you need to go to BOSS/Boss.ini and open it and near the top you need to change this:


bDoStartupUpdateCheck = True


Change it to false so it runs offline and doesn't try to connect. It will then logically go to your most recent masterlist and use that as reference.

I m running windows vista on this laptop and am i supposed to install boss into my my New vegas folder on my desktop because the installer defaults to my Steam\skyrim

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Well, my default Skyrim folder is c:\skyrim and my Fallout is c:\fallout. I had the installer install to c:\BOSS. I'm not sure it matters where it's installed since the program will scan your registry for installed beth games. In practice though I would have it install to a different folder than your skyrim one.

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To do an offline update you will need BOSS on both pcs. You need boss on the online pc so that you can run it to get a masterlist to transfer to the offline pc's boss directory. If this sounds like more trouble than it's worth I can upload my masterlist updated just a few minutes ago. Again you would still need to install BOSS on the offline pc. I can send you the masterlist.txt in your email or some online hosting site if the process is too tedious.

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Well the thing is i cant get a masterlist on this laptop because i dont have any beth games on it therefore boss is useless atm i do have steam on here with skyrim uninstalled but not fallout nv ( you can figure that one out) And I only have a 4 gig flash drive on me and cant transfer all data onto this thing

i installed Boss on here


but cant find the masterlist file

Edited by Vancer2
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The only file you need to transfer is the masterlist.txt. It's under 1mb I think. But ya, if you don't have NV installed then you won't have the masterlist. Send me a PM and I can email you the masterlist. Just drop it into your BOSS/Fallout New Vegas folder on your offline pc.

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Oh man, I almost forgot. Running this game in windowed mode is more stable for some reason than fullscreen. There is a windowed fake fullscreen mod on nexus that I use. Since you use steam you should disable the steam overlay while playing. I heard that helped a lot of people with crashes.


If you haven't checked out this dude Gopher's channel on youtube you should. http://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids

He actually walks you through some of the essential mods for New Vegas and how to properly install them, including pretty much everything I said about merged patches. All his tutorials are aimed at complete beginners so there is no confusion about anything. I still visit his channel for his tutorials all the time. He has tutorials on both Fallouts and Skyrim.

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Sent it. I gotta run for a couple hours but I'll check this when I get back. Good luck man, check out that channel! You won't regret it.

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Ok heres my status report After doing all of that I got to novac was doing good. Now I remember starting from my hotel room recruiting Boone then talking to manne to start the "Come Fly with me Quest" or what not I was killing the ghouls and just as i hit the stairs on the main building complex the game crashed..... ;.;

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