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CTD at area west to Dragon Bridge


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I'm having CTD whenever getting near to some spots at the area west to Dragon Bridge, more specifically right next to Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp and northeast of Cliffside Retreat.

Funny thing is, it's not (apparently) problem with mods, this CTD only happens to my character A but not to B and C and also because the only mod I have that changes the area is 'Fight the Thalmor IV'.


This is my mods and its load order:



And this is my Papyrus.0.log:


It's pretty messy because of some leftover scripts... I think it's time to start the character D, haha.


PS: Forgot to mention it on the main text but I can shoot arrows and hit normally anything on the area without problems. Also, I don't get CTD when I go into the area with 'tfc' console command.

PPS: Another thing I forgot to say. I already did some research about this issue and found a pal who got similar problem caused by W.A.T.E.R mod but as I said, it doesn't seem to be causing any problem to me.

Edited by mxSora
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