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What is your favorite Misc. quest in Fallout 3?


Favorite Miscellaneous Quest in Fallout 3  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Misc. quest is your favorite?

    • You Gotta Shoot 'em in the Head
    • Tennpenny Tower
    • Those!
    • Head of State
    • Strictly Business
    • The Power of the Atom
    • The Superhuman Gambit
    • Reilly's Rangers
    • Stealing Independence
    • Other (Describe)

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Personally, my favorite quest is "You Gotta Shoot 'em in the Head", because you can go around and kill the three guys for their keys, or use special interations to scare them to hand over there keys. Plus, it was fun to hand the keys over Mr. Crowley (you can also kill him first and keep the keys), then kill him for the keys to Fort Constantine. Or even better, pickpocket him for the keys and go over to Fort Constantine, kill all the robots there and for the best part.


Looting Fort Constantine, with the special T-51b Power Armor (arguably the best in the game), a Fat Man, some mini-nukes, and two whole storage rooms filled with ammo and weapons. At that point, it was even funnier to return to Underworld and return to Mr. Crowley wearing the T-51b armor, pretty muching throwing it all in his face. Finally, I just took out my combat shotgun and blew his head across North America to finish it off. Pwned! :biggrin: Loot in that quest was awesome; completely worth the trouble, I say.

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So it seems the majority of people yet like Reilly's Raiders.


I like it too, but I just felt like it was a little too long. I had to leave the hotel building over three times to keep emptying myself of the loot I carried.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion however, and I will respect that. Keep voting!

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  • 11 months later...

You gotta shoot 'em in the head.


It was fun tricking mister crowley into thinking that they were dead, giving him the keys and seeing him at the fort. You can follow him but after a while he becomes hostile, no biggie though, you just gotta shoot 'im in the head! Pun intended.

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I too like Riley's Rangers cause its the only decent merc company in the game. Not to mention it's the first time in three games that I've used anything other than power armor. I would like too see some sort of exspansion on the Rangers

There is a mod expansion though sadly I hate how they change the Ranger Armor color. I know it's TOOO green and the helmet doesn't even match it.


Oddly something I notessed if you find Reilly's Rangers on the Hotal Roof they are using NORMAL textured Combat armor but with the Reilly Ranger Logo on the front, no US Army simble/number on back. But after you make it to their HQ they are wearing the style of Reilly Ranger armor you can use after looting from their dead bodies or gotten off of the quest as reward.

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