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Making Custom Eyes


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Hey im really new to modding. iv been using mods for years but this is my first attempt (at oblivion, i did a little bit for halo,halo2 and half life 2)


iv got two custom eye textures i created earlier today in photoshop there both saved as .dds but im confused at how to make them selectable in the character creation screen.


i have TESCS aswell


if a tutorial exists please point me to it iv searched google many times and found nothing.


I came across a riddickesq eye tutorial but it said something about needing .nif files and as far as i know (i may be wrong) these are model files and i cant model for crap so if this is the case please say so and ill just forget it

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-First, under characters, got to 'eyes'. Right click in the list and select 'new'.

-Browse to where you keep the .dds files for your new eyes.

-Be sure to flag your eyes as 'playable'

-Under 'Characters' open 'Races'

-Select your race and open the body data tab

-Drag and drop your eyes from the eyes menu into the body data area as indicated.

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