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How to apply ghostly effects to NPC?


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I'm trying to make a custom NPC have the ghostly effects (looks blue and translucent, turns to a blue puddle when killed). How do I do that? I tried adding "Defaultghostscript" to the NPC but it didn't work, and now they don't even show up in-game.



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I would suggest looking at the "Ghost" actors already in the game. Apart from this, try adding a perk to them that gives them an "Constant Effect" and "Self" ability that has a Magic Effect that has a Hit Effect Shader used by the "Ghost" NPCs. Additionally, the Magic Effect should also have an appropriate script that, on death, triggers the disintegrate process. For more information on the actual scripts involved with the disintegration, look at the in-game script pertaining to the Disintegrate perk magic effect. If you aren't sure what I wrote, I'll get back to this thread when I'm less tired.


EDIT: the Magic Effect should also have the FX Persist flag checked.

Edited by BrotherBob
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