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Setting faction-specific dialogues; is the player ever added to major factions?


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First off, I just want to say a huge thank you to MadMongo, Ashtonlp101 and Radioactivelad for answering my questions in the past, y'all have been a huge help to me.


So if I want to set a dialogue to only appear if the player is a member of a certain faction, what's the best condition to use? I considered using "GetPCInFaction" but I don't know if the major factions -- House, NCR, Legion, Yes Man -- are ever officially added to the player character? Would that dialogue ever pop?


Is it better to stick with "GetGlobalValue vStory[Faction]State >= 2"? This is the condition used in Arcade's "What's your opinion of the current situation?" dialogue to determine which faction the player is in, and it's what I've been using so far, I'm just wondering if "GetPCInFaction" would ever return a value of 1 for the NCR, the Legion, etc to pop those dialogues if I set that condition.

Edited by McFearo
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I don't believe the player is ever added to the faction. The variable you stated that Arcade uses is probably the most efficient, you can also run checks to see what your reputation is which would work much better if you'd rather make dialogue available depending on reputation rather than which side you've chosen in the main story. I typically do the latter.

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I don't believe the player is ever added to the faction. The variable you stated that Arcade uses is probably the most efficient, you can also run checks to see what your reputation is which would work much better if you'd rather make dialogue available depending on reputation rather than which side you've chosen in the main story. I typically do the latter.


Thank you! How would you recommend doing that? I'm working with a friend on how to get their Legion NPC Companion to have different dialogue responses based on whether the player is liked or disliked with the Legion faction. Right now I'm looking at the dialogues in Nipton that depend on the player's faction reputation using the GetReputationThreshold condition, but how it works is a bit opaque to me. Does an integer of 1 represent the Fame axis and an integer of 2 represent the Infamy axis for reputations?


Edit: Hmm I just found the GECK wiki page on this and will do a bit of research there, though any advice is still welcome

Edited by McFearo
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GetReputationThreshold It can be somewhat complicated, but the Wiki provides a nice little chart to show what each number coincides with. An example would be:


If you're trying to find out if the player has a positive reputation with the NCR (Accepted or above)


If GetRepuationThreshold RepNVNCR 1 >= 4


The first number only goes 0-2. 0 being the bad reputation threshold, 1 being the good threshold, and 2 being the neutral threshold.


The second number is what specific reputation name you're given within that threshold. Under threshold 1, 4 is "accepted," 5 is "liked" and 6 is "Idolized."


It can be confusing to use at first, but once you learn it it's not that bad.


I wouldn't recommend using "GetReputation" because it only accounts for fame or infamy, whereas GetReputationThreshold accounts for both of them combined.

Edited by ashtonlp101
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As an update: the most confusing part of using the getreputationthreshold condition has been that every source I find on it seems to say something about which integer means which reputation axis. Currently I'm just trusting you, ashtonlp101, because my experiments with using the integers as you've given them seem to be working even if the GECK wiki says something different lol.

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What I've stated is in direct reference to the GECK wiki. Specifically the "Values" section.

I think I was looking at the other GECK wiki then, the unofficial one, where it says 0 = mixed, 1 = good, 2 = bad. I just figured you were right and it's wrong, because the official GECK wiki also says 0 = bad and 1 = good


edit: wait! The official one says the same thing on this page now I'm more confused.


f*#@ it I'm going with what Ashton said.

Edited by McFearo
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