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Something Similar to genshin impact? (follower control)


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I personally don't like genshin impact.

But I like the idea of being able to, switch characters in one playthrough. Similar to how Alternate actors works but more streamlined.

So heres the idea:

You have your main dragonborne going with a One Handed build

you press a key then switch to a totally different looking character with a 2 handed build

you press a key again then switch to a different character with an archer build


you press a key again then switch to a different character with a stealth build ect.

This would be the bulk of the mod

But then also have options for teleporting them in for assistance, like pressing a button then having one of those builds be a follower until you dismiss them back into being readily available for the above switching mechanic.

It would be cool if you could absorb followers into this build category too, so if you download a follower mod you like you can switch into them at anytime seamlessly

The main reason I think this would be really cool is, if you like a bunch of followers you have and have them all at once, suddenly they are doing all the work and or getting in the way.

I know Nether's Follower Framework allows you to drop follower damage down, but still if you have a bunch of followers no enemy will even think about targeting you.

I know it would be really hard to accomplish, but it would be a really badass mod

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