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No Essential NPC (Like in Morrowind)!


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I would like to ask some one to make the following mod (or atlest help me creating one)! :


How should i know?





Did you ever wanted to play the game like in morrowind without the restrictions as you cant kill essentail npc's or you wanted to kill the most annyoing npcs in game that were flaged essential even when they were not even importan ? well now you can! Jurney throw world of skyrim as you would in Morrowind, killing some one will make you think twice ! is he important or not?

A lorefriendly mod!




  • No more essential Npc in game!
  • Players will get notification in game if they smashed essential npc's head! (Pro version): player's jurnay will update "you failed this quest" or somethink like this
  • (Optional) Killed person lose the right of ownage to the house (so you can sleep there)
  • (Pro version) Killing a quest marked essential will interupt the side quest or will mark some one els as quest giver/reciver



So this is basicly how i imaginage the mod for myself and others! Be sure to comment and say what you think or what should be added to this!


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The one problem with this idea is that Skyrim needs certain NPC's to be essential due to the random dragon attacks and also the vampire attacks in Dawnguard. In Morrowind NPC's never really ventured into danger so it wasn't neccessary for them to be essential whereas in Skyrim each NPC has its own wander package so they can quite easily be killed if not flagged as essential or protected.

The easiest way to make this mod would be to go through every "Essential" NPC in the CK and flag them as "Protected". This means the player can kill them but not anything else. However from what I've read the protected option doesn't always work all of the time. So best to try it and see.

As for the message popping up telling the player they've killed a vital NPC I really don't have the first clue since I know nothing about scripting.

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maybe some less gamebreaking solution:


* make essential NPCs nonessential after all related quests are finished

* make all essential NPCs nonessential that are not necessary to complete a complex questchain (optional sidequests)

* is it possible to make essential NPCs only killable by the player?

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I believe you can make essential NPCs killable by adding the following to the skyrim.ini:






That will allow you to actually damage and kill essential NPCs. The rest of what you want to do would be a bit more complicated.

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