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How I fixed low FPS and stuttering on my system.


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I was having problems with the game, very low FPS and stuttering. And i tried everything online and nothing worked, so in the end I found my own solution:


1st my specs: 16GB Ram, 3200 MHZ

Ryzen 1 1800x OC to 4.00 GHZ at 1,35 volts.

Sapphire RX 5600 XT Pulse Activ

Mechanical HDD

I noticed that the game was using just 1-2 Gigs of RAM so I went into Win 10 page file settings and I reduced the page file size (in my case it was around 8 GB, I made it around 2 GB but you can make it even less).

The game immediately started using more ram (5 - 6 - 7 GB)


In the game settings I also enabled "Slow HDD mode"

VOILA: no more stuttering, loading, low FPS!


I also tried lowering ambient occlusion and few other settings but this barely changed anything.


Tried disabling Radeon Sharpness and Radeon Antilag but this also barely changed anything (only few FPS difference)


I hope this helps someone.


If you are not satisfied with the results, you can try lowering the Page file even more (lets say couple of hundred MB to practically disable it).


Oh, I almost forgot: Since I am using a Ryzen CPU I did apply the Hex fix, I used the EB value instead of 74. (I tried both and cant really confirm 100 percent that EB gave significantly more FPS, but you can experiment.)

Always experiment, dont be afraid to try new settings and tweaks.

Bellow is AMD Hex Fix:

Version 1.06 - 75 2D 33 C9 B8 01 00 00 00 0F A2 8B C8 C1 F9 08
Change 75 to 74 or EB:
74 2D 33 C9 B8 01 00 00 00 0F A2 8B C8 C1 F9 08
EB 2D 33 C9 B8 01 00 00 00 0F A2 8B C8 C1 F9 08




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