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Issues with the lighting in-game


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I've been unable to find any solutions to this (though I may not be looking hard enough) online, so I've decided to ask here.


Basically, when I'm not looking at a light in-game (by that I mean having the icon at the middle of the screen on it) it doesn't render. The light should still, logically, be appearing on the screen, but it doesn't. I wouldn't complain about this if it wasn't killing immersion with a Daedric Greatsword of the Inferno.


I don't have the time right now to get a proper list of mods, but the ones that I could see possibly conflicting are the Enhanced Lighting Overhaul and the Realistic Lighting mod. I also have an .esp called "Fixed Eye Adaptation" that was included with an ENB, and Darker Dungeons, but I can't see the latter possibly conflicting to create this issue.

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