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Slowmotion bug?

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Hi my game runs in slowmotion?? I downloaded 4 gb fnv and fake fullscreen mod, Bottle that water And Casm (An Auto save mod) I installed those four at the same time. And in game its all slowmotion, I deleted all of the four mods, And went back in game. But its still slowmotion? How can i fix this do i have to reinstall the game again? Or can i fix it some other way?..

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Either you need an upgrade to your PC or you NV Stutter Remover with the wrong MinimumFPS setting or in the Fallout.ini you have iFPSClamp set to something other than 0. Those are the top 3 candidates for this problem anyway :).
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Either you need an upgrade to your PC or you wither NV Stutter Remover with the wrong MinimumFPS setting or in the Fallout.ini you have iFPSClamp set to something other than 0. Those are the top 3 candidates for this problem anyway :smile:.

I have played for a couple of months and had no problems like that, It was now an hour back when i installed Nevada skies and the other four mods that this problem occured. My rig is not that bad^^ I have set fps clamp to 60 so maybe that is the problem, minium fps i have no idea. I have stutter remover but installed it a few weeks ago and have had no problems with it.

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Set FPSClamp to 0, that is your problem :)


It makes the game go "slow motion" when the frames drop cos it's locked to 60 and you're probably only pushing 40-50 outside. Interiors feel like they are fast paced XD

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Double check all 3 of the INI files. This shouldn't be happening, only other thing I can think of off hand is if you set MinimumFPS in NVSR to something like 30-40. I did a quick google search on this anyway, there are a few forums on it, looked at a couple and they all talk about what I have already mentioned. Perhaps you might be able to do a little more research into yourself also :).


Can't think of anything else explicitly related to this bug atm :/

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