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more vibrant dark skin colour for males?


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As some of you may have seen previously, I'm trying to construct what is basically a glam rocker in Skyrim. The problem I'm running into right now is the fact that none of the skin tones available to me really fit the image. Probably the most memorable aspect to the character's look is, to put in extravagently, his long, flowing mane of golden blonde hair, which constrasts with his dark skin. The problem here is that all the dark skin tones availble in Skyrim seem to be really faded and dull. Because of this, the look contrasts too much and looks weird and off-putting. I've been looking for a more chocolate looking skin tone, since I've seen that so many times of female characters, but I can't seem to find anything like that for males. I'm currently running the Wintersong Beauty pack, but to no avail. Does anybody have any ideas?


Thanks in advance.

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Open the CK and load Skyrim.esm. expand Actors, then Actor, then Preset then the race you want to find the presets. Just right click and duplicate the one you want to change like NordMalePreset10.



Now go down to Miscellaneous, expand that and then open ColorForm and scroll down to HumanSkin* for the humans or the race skins for any of the others and duplicate. Or just right click and create new. add a name and adjust the RGB for the color you want plus check the Playable checkbox. Now scroll up to Character, expand and open Race. edit the race you want and open the Tinting tab. in the Tint Layer box click SkinTone.dds and the Presets box should fill. go back to the ColorForm section and drag and drop the new preset into that box. then select it and below is a slide bar move it to 1 and hit the small Set button. Next go to the Preset NPC's tab and drag and drop the new duplicate NPC into that.


Now go back and edit the new NPC, go to the Character Gen Parts tab and change what you want such as the hair but click the SkinTone.dds in the list on the left like you did in the race and imediatly to the right there is a menue and color selector. Change the one in the list that shows to your new default skin texture. put a check in the Head checkbox on the bottom to see what the face looks like or select custom and play with the colors for a while until you get it just right. If you play with the colors set the RGB value to that in your colorform because that will be required as custom seems to only work on NPC's. Then swap to the Character Gen Morphs and play with the sliders and Eyes, Mouth, and Nose types unless you will just use the game for it.


Test it in the game and if it looks right then you are all set, if not then tweak the colorform rgb values and test again.


But hey it works for me... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/222816

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Slight problem. I don't appear able to access the CK through steam for some reason. I've confirmed my client is up to date, but the 'tools' section is not under any of the drop down menus. Any idea where it might be hiding?


EDIT: Nvm, found it


EDIT2: except now I can't find any of the presets you're talking about. I load the Skyrim.esm, go into actors, then actor, then actor again, then I get male which leads into player1, the selecting of which seems to do nothing. Where did I go astray? the player1 file just seems to be a bunch of blank data, so I'm not really sure where to go from here.

Edited by endgamecutter
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Seriously, as much as I hate bumping threads, where can I find the category in the CK you're talking about? So far I've tried searching the file that automatically opens when I open the CK, in which I found nothing, and x-ing the box for the Skyrim.esm which crashes the CK. What am I missing?

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When you opened it you didnt actualy open it lol. The CK is messed up that way. you have to have the checkbox marked to open the CK does not load Skyrim automaticly. When you open a file, double click the Skyrim.esm at the top of the list, this puts a checkmark in the checkbox. then you hit the open button and it will load the esm. If you open a mod and plan to change it hit the set as active file after double clicking the mod name then the open.

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