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Anise's Cabin w/ More Improvements


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Hi everyone. I've seen a few mods that change Anise's cabin so that it can be a player home, and they're good, but the cellar is usually kept almost the same and that's where I'd really love to see some changes. :)


I'd love to have a mod that:


Puts a front door on the cabin


Cleans up the water in the cellar


Changes the cellar walls so that they're not that funky DB'hood style but something different....maybe wood?


Cobwebs removed


A nice stock of potions and ingredients added


Books! Not ruined or wet or burned books but nice, new-looking ones that are fun to read and/or boost your skill levels


Some sort of covering for the large window by the bed that you can open and close----I love the view during the day, but it gives me the creeps at night! lol


A few robes left behind by Anise in the drawers near the bed (I'm thinking since she was a witch she had to have more than just one robe!)



I guess that's all for now---just a few ideas I'd love to see implemented someday so that those of us who really like this litlte cabin can live in it and truly feel like it's "home".

Thanks in advance all of you guys,

Tracy :)

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Whoops--I forgot one thing and I'm not sure how to edit a post when the edit screen comes up with numbers after each of my sentences! (bear with me!) Anyway, I wanted to add that having the walls and ceiling fixed so that there are no holes would be great too. I'd love to feel comfy, cosy and safe in this sweet little cabin and those open places really get to me. :)


THanks again you guys,

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