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Moving drives caused CTD from previously stable mods


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OK, so I had all my game files and MO2 loaded on a HDD until my new NVME drive came in. I had got all my mods (~80 mods) running smoothly and was having fun with the game. Well today the new drive came in and I installed it and cut and pasted all the folders over to the new drive. Then went into Steam and updated the file locations there. Then into MO2 and updated all the locations.


Then the trouble began.


First off it would crash at start up whether it was with mods on or with mods off and launching from Steam. Then after deleting/uninstalling and reinstalling I was able to get it working from Steam. But to run it with mods it still CTD. Doesn't matter if I disable all or half of the mods and launch from skse, nothing. I started reinstalling each mod to see if it helps as a couple were acting weird (FNIS not opening till I fixed it for example) but still nothing.


HELP!! Save my sanity in these trying times!

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Ok, I figured it out in case anyone else has this issue. I had to run the game in windowed mode (and borderless cause I wanted it flush). Once I realized it worked that way and would crash when running windowless I reset the prefs in MO2 to match that of the game one and it worked perfectly.

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