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Which race is ideal for me?


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Thanks for mentioning the Race menu mod. I just recently installed this one and it works great. It does allow you change your character's height, and many other features.


You can use it on an existing character by using the "showracemenu" command in the console. Using this command can crash your game, so I recommend the following to minimize any damage.


1. Backup your savegame

2. Go to an isolated area such as your own house. Small area's that are freshly loaded require less resources.

3. Save the game.

4. Unequip all your items, armor, clothes, and/or weapons. High res stuff that is equipped seems to cause more crashes. Also being able to see your character's body may be useful as you beef them up or slim them down.

5. Go into third person view and rotate the camera so that you are looking at your character from the front.

6. Make sure your follower(s) are not in the field of view

7. Re-save the game and exit Skyrim, allowing your computer's memory to clear. I have had far less lockups after lauching a fresh game that doing this after playing for a while.

8. Launch Skyrim and open the last savegame.

9. Open the console and type "showracemenu".

10. Wait for the command to be processed, can take a few to 10 seconds. Longer usually indicates a lockup.

11. Close the console or you will not be able to select anything.

12. Do not change your race. It will reset your perks and you can loose all your experience.

13. Navigate to whatever menu choice you want to tweak and carefully make your changes.

14. Click done and set your name.

15. Consider saving your altered character in a new slot, then check out your changes.

16. You may want to exit and re-launch Skyrim after you are satisfied in order to clear memory before playing for a while.


Just what has worked for me,



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Thank you all for your replies, I didn't want to start a new nord save since I got so far. I also started a Imperial for lore sakes he is a archer/healer. Sorry I didn't reply sooner I guess I wasn't subscribed to my thread. I will change my nords height :smile: I just have a question were there any nords my height? I played most of the games I think most nords were tall.

As far as I know, most Nords are pretty tall.

By the way, I looked through the thread and I'm fairly sure nobody mentioned this (unless I'm retarded and completely missed it), but you can just change the character's height using the console. Hit the tilde key (~), type "player.setscale [#]"

1 is the default height, and you can go all the way up to 10, but that makes you into a super-giant, so I recommend against that. If you wanna be a little bit shorter, just type something like player.setscale 0.95.

Again, if I missed someone explaining this, I apologise profusely for my blindness.

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