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Amazon's Revenge


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The dead covered the battle field. The smell of blood, urine and feces added to the stench permeating the air. The Amazonian warrior scanned the battlefield with a trained eye. The dead and the dying lay for as far as she could see.


The carrion eaters had begun to gather, and clouds of flies darkened the air above the bodies. She wretched heavily, but her stomach was as empty as the eyes of the dead that lay about her.


She stooped and searched a few of the bodies, retrieving water and dried venison from the pouches she searched. She drank heartily and bit off a chunk of the dried meat. She wandered over to a small rock outcropping and sat. Vultures filled the sky and the feast would soon begin. She bled from a score of wounds, but none were life neither threatening nor required much attention. She stood, outstretched her arms and yelled at the top of her lungs, a warrior’s cry...the cry of one who had survived the onslaught of her enemies. She eyed her scarred body and laughed. Only 22 summers old and the testimonial of her combat finesse read like a scroll on her skin.


She drank again and once more sat down.

Friends and lovers had died here today, and the memories of both good and intimate times flooded her emotions. No tears filled her eyes. The amazons showed no emotion at such things. Battle and love making were the elements that moved her only.

She rested, drinking and eating, her strength returning, the ache in her muscled body easing. And then she heard it.


The faintest of sounds carried on the breeze.

She raised her head slowly and sniffed the air. A grin widened on her blood and dirt encrusted face. She was not alone

She listened intently to the sounds carried on the breeze. She remained in a crouch, and made her way carefully around the outcropping. Then the screams filled the air.


They had come from over the small rise to the east. She drew here sword and hurried toward the agonized wails emanating from that direction. As she crested the small rise, her eyes fell upon three men and the woman they had lashed to a small barren tree. Each was talking turns cutting her with the small knives they each held.


Breaking into a run, she screamed the cry that raised her fury to blood lust. She was upon them in an instant, as the closest turned and swung wildly at her. She ducked, rolled and swung with a vicious backhand that cut through the back of her foes knees with the sounds of tendons and ligaments snapping like rotted branches on a tree.

He fell with a scream of his own.


Jumping quickly to her feet, she knocked aside the sword that the second man had swung in a downward arc at the spot she had been only a second ago. Caught completely off balance by his mistimed attack, he watched helplessly as his sword sailed from his hand, and cringed as the demoness who had assailed him and his two partners, finished her counter with a devastating blow to his head. Not waiting to see the outcome of her blow to the second man, knowing that he had died instantly. She turned quickly raising her sword crossways in front of her catching the blow from the third man.

The clang of steel on steel assaulted her ears, as her blade snapped and she was driven backwards and to the ground by the fierceness of the attack. She sensed more than saw the blade’s downward descent toward her. Only instinct and years of training, saved her life as she rolled to the left enough for the blade to miss her and strike the ground removing only a few locks of her hair.

Reacting like a wild animal, she swung her left arm back and wrapped it around the sword arm of her foe and at that same instant with her left foot she delivered a crushing kick to his right kidney. The yelp of pain brought a momentary smile to her face as she rolled further to her right, snapping the third mans wrist bones.

The sword fell from his hand, and in a move that was blindingly fast, she was up and grabbing his hair, she pulled down and drove the man’s face into her upwardly speeding knee. The crunch of bone and the spray of blood made her yell with glee as he fell stunned to his knees, blood pouring from his mouth and one time nose.....

Raising her foot, she kicked the kneeling man in the side of the head. He collapsed with a grunt. She bent and retrieved the man's blade. Her mouth opened in awe.

This was a true warriors blade, light but strong, and of a balance she had only dreamed might exist.

How this son of a jackal had obtained it, was anyone’s guess .Mercenaries...the thought made her anger rise again.

Honor less pigs, which fought only for money and for the highest bidder. The cruelest of the cruel, and without pity or remorse.


The whimpering sounds from the other woman brought her from her thoughts. She approached the tree and then stopped in shock. Tied to the tree was another Amazon, her body tattoos told that much; or what was left of them did. Those men had not merely been cutting her, they had been skinning her alive! She approached the tormented form. Slumped and shaking, the woman was a nightmare to behold. She stopped in front of the hideous one time warrior woman. “Tell me your name”, she asked of the form, “Wilfreda”, the woman whispered, then coughed and spat blood. I am called Astrianna, and I will free you". Drawing her dagger, she placed the tip between the ribs of the helpless dying woman. “Sleep well sister, and know that of the three who did this, one is already food for the beasts, and the other two will wish they had died on the battle field". With that she pushed the blade into the beating heart of the woman she knew not personally, but shared a bond with none the less.

She left the dagger imbedded in the others chest. To die at the hand of her own kind was a fitting end.

She pulled the woman’s dagger from its sheath. It was crusted with blood and bits of flesh. Astrianna turned. Her brief moment of compassion and lament for her sister gone in an instant. “You like being butchers, so be it!”


The man who couldn't walk wouldn't go far dragging his worthless legs. She looked to the semi-conscience one.

"Yes, spawn of a dog and a angel, you will beg for death this day".

A huge smile spread across her face as she approached the man on the ground.

Astrianna walked over to the man on the ground. Kneeling, she looked to his face, then to the dagger in her hand.

She laid the point gentle against the space between his kneecap and his leg.

“I know you can hear me dog”, and rammed the blade under the kneecap and twisted. The scream that erupted from the man's lips was primeval. He sat upright with a start, only to meet the vicious punch to his ruined nose head on.

His head snapped back and he fell backwards again.

Astrianna smiled and laid the point by the left kneecap.

In the distance she could hear the scavengers fighting over the spoils of the dead bodies. Again the blade was rammed home, and again a scream split the air.

Moans and sobs now rambled from the mercenary’s lips. She moved her left knee onto his right arm. “For what you did to my sister today, you will suffer not only pain, but you'll remain alive as the jackals tear at your guts”. The dagger flashed in the light of the setting sun as she drove the blade into the shoulder and pulled down, severing tendons and ligaments, but stopping short of the life carrying artery that ran down the arm. Another pitiful scream tore through the night, but this one not as loud, and a raspy quality had been added from the tormented vocal cords.

She stood, stepped over the body and knelt on the left arm.

The man's pleading fell on deaf ears. She leaned forward and stared into his eyes. “Coward” she whispered, “The dogs in the field have more honor than you!”. And again the blade descended. And again a horrific scream filled the darkening sky.


She stood and tossed the dagger to the ground. Twilight was closing in and she had another son of a angel to deal with.

He lay face down, and as she approached close, she stopped. Her anger grew and fell upon the body, rolling it over.

“male without a father”, she screamed, as she looked at the knife protruding from his chest. “Pig, coward, you would not even die like a man” She spit in his face, arose, looked back at the whimpering form on the ground, and at the two jackals approaching the helpless form stealthily. She smiled, and headed into the night.








Astrianna had put two suns and many miles between her and the battle. She lived off of what was left of the jerked meat she had, and from small game that she was able to bring down with a well thrown stone.

As she crested a hill she stopped to listen to the world that was going on around her. Birds sang, squirrels argued and chased one another and the insect life was creating a small din of its own.

She drew the sword and raised her arms above her head, breathing deeply of the clean air. She felt alive and strong and as she stretched the muscles of her body she suddenly moved with the speed of a great cat, swinging the sword in a series of moves that were almost impossible to see. Each series of movements brought into play years of training and generations of combat techniques that had been passed down from mother to daughter, from generation to generation, each generation adding to the maneuvers and making each daughter the master of the ability to deal death to a foe.

Astrianna was the apex of generations of select breeding, the perfect combination of body, mind and spirit. Here moved a true warrior woman, fast, deadly and without remorse or hesitation to kill. She continued through all of the training movements she had been taught, the thrusts, the parry’s, the slight changes of stance and position, the yells and facial idioms.

She stopped, her skin glistening from the exertion, her breathing fast but not labored. She again looked at the weapon that she held. Light of weight, yet strong and flexible. The bluish hue it gave off in the sunlight only intrigued her all the more.

She sheathed the blade and continued on her way.

As she entered a clearing she could see an encampment not far to the east. Wagons and the number of people moving about told her it was but one thing. A merchant caravan, that meant food and supplies, both of which she needed, and thanks to the bodies she had stripped of their gold, she had plenty enough money to provision herself quite well.


As Astrianna approached the wagons, an out rider broke away from the group and galloped towards her. She stopped and folded her arms so that one hand was close to the hilt of her sword. The rider came to a halt some few feet away and sat and eyed her up and down. Another woman may have blushed and averted his lingering gaze, but Astrianna gave back what she received.


He was well built, though not overly muscular. His dark hair and green eyes made him quite nice looking she mused. His body was scarred and the grip on his sword worn, she knew by his look and his demeanor that he was no stranger to a fight and more than just common caravan protection.

“What do you seek”, he asked her? She answered precisely and to the point, she had no inclination to banter words with him. “Provisions” she said. He looked at her again for more than a few seconds, whether he was waiting for her to become agitated or perhaps it was just his way she knew not, nor did she care one way or the other.

“You’re a long way from any settlement or town, and traveling these parts alone is not very bright.”

Astrianna burst into laughter. “ You think that I am some helpless and weak towns woman?” she asked.

The rider thought to himself. No pretty one, you have the look of trouble and the smell of death about you. “No lass, you look capable of dealing with most any animal hungry enough, or any bandits stupid enough to cross your path. “From wence came you?” Now Astrianna stared at him. She thought that this one would be more than ready and capable of anything. His eyes were unreadable, and she caught only the slightest of shifting of his weight in the saddle. Her first instincts had been correct, this one was no common guard, this one was a warrior like herself.


She smiled slightly, and shifted her weight to her left leg with the subtlest of movements. “From a great battle a few suns ago” she answered. She noticed his easing of his weight back into the saddle.” Aye, we had heard rumbleings of that moron for a king, Proctus, that he had raised an army to invade the Amazonia lands. How faired the battle?” “What was left of his army fled like the dung piles that they are” she answered. She caught just the slightest of a look of amazement on his face and then it was gone just as quickly.

“Come”, he said, we’re about to make camp for the night, and your welcome to stay and provision up”.

Astrianna trotted alongside the rider and down towards the waiting caravan.


Astrianna , sat and watched the merchants make camp, no effort was wasted and they moved like a well disciplined combat unit instead of just merchants.

The women and a few children also had the air of a group well disciplined at camp making. The rider approached her, dismounted and stood in front of her. The light chain under his outer leathers made no noise and smelled of animal oil and not of city made products. Dangerous was the first though that popped into her head!

“Dinner will be simple and light, Fires will be stoked all night and the guard will not ask questions of unwanted visitors, they will be killed”. Keep to your bedding least the wyrms feast on you , my guards will not harm you, if you must answer natures call.

She stared at him for a second, smiled and then broke into laughter. “Your men would do well to avoid me, I strike like the serpent and move like a cat, and death follows my sword arm!”Her demeanor spoke of fact and not boast. “Aye lass, we’ve no quarrel with you, but there are things in this valley that even you would be well to avoid”.

“ Come, lets sup, and then we’ll provision you, for the morrow, for we break camp early”.Astrianna arose swiftly and with a grace that brought an unseen smile to the face of the Rider.


She awoke with an alertness that would have made any warrior envious. Something was wrong, she could feel it. Her hand upon her sword, she rolled slowly and quietly from side to side, surveying the encampment from her bed under one of the wagons, she saw all the tethered horses moving restlessly in the light cast by the fire not far from them.

A foul smell, like that of rotting flesh began to fill the air, and the hair on her neck stood up! She rolled from under the wagon, sniffed the air and silently crept toward the origin of the horrendous odor.

As she parted some tall weeds, she saw it, a wyrm, a lizard like creature that was not only fast, but deadly with its infected bite. Astrianna’s eyes widened as the creature moved out of the shadows. Here was a creature that made the ones she had seen, and on the one rare occasion battled seem like the little chameleons she had as a child.

Enormous it was, a good 8 horses long and at the shoulder, a wagon in height! She surveyed the camp, where were the guards? They were nowhere to be seen? She had to do something or the merchants and their families would be caught like rats in a trap.

She tensed up for the attack, she knew she would get only a glancing blow in, but it might distract the creature. Big they were and this one the biggest she had seen, but they were fast and when riled, mean beyond compare.

Suddenly a good dozen arrows sprouted from the creatures head and shoulders. Raising its ugly head it bellowed in a roar that hurt her ears, and then she was off and running towards it, her war cry filled the night air.

The creature was bewildered as more arrows pierced its hide from every direction, Astrianna leapt and with a vicious downward swing cut thru the creatures left hind quarter. She hit the ground at a run, arrows missing her by scads inches. As she began her turn a horse and rider flew by her, the rider’s war cry echoing from the valley hills, he arose in his saddle and as he passed near the wyrn, let fly with a short spear which embedded itself in the animals shoulder.

The creature tore the spear from its flesh, and with a speed that amazed even her and surprised her leapt at the horse, its jaws just missing the rider and sinking in to the horses flank. The horse was pulled off its feet and the rider smashed into the ground. The horse was torn asunder, its screams horrible to hear, and its entire hind end disappeared down the wyrms throat.

Astrianna sprinted towards the downed rider as half dozen men appeared from the shadows with spears and shields, all racing towards the creature. The creature roared and swapped ends so fast that Astrianna could not believe her eyes, she smiled and raised her voice to her gods, here was a battle she might not win, but she would die like the warrior she was bred to be.

Two men attacked the left side of the worm, both embedding their spears deep into the wryms belly. Only one was able to escape the front claws that cut his partner in two. Two more from the other side and one from the front and back each drove their spears deep into the crazed reptile, the lashing tail snapped the spine of another guard like a rotten twig.

Astrianna was almost upon the downed rider when the creature wheeled upon him and advanced. She looked into the creatures eye for a brief second and in the short space of time knew it for what it was and a small shiver ran down her spine. She knew she was going to die, but it mattered not to her, battle lust filled her, generations of warrior blood came to a boil and the look on her face would have sent lesser men running.

With a burst of speed she leapt into the air, time slowed down to a crawl, an inkling of what death was like passed through her mind, The creature turned its head towards her and raised it up to meet her attack. A smile crossed her face and from the corner of her eye the downed rider exploded off the ground in blinding speed, drew his sword and jammed it thru the lower jaw and up into the skull of the giant worm. The creatures head shook and again the warrior was throw thru the air and hit the ground.

Astriannas blade swung down in a vicious arc as her one foot landed upon the creatures neck , her blade cleaving the wryms skull.

Its head snapped back, catching her full force on her right side, she flew backwards stunned, her blade embedded in the creatures skull, hit its back, her breath exploding from her lungs and fell to the ground next to the creature

Her eyes went black and she knew death was near. Shouts from the four guards increased as the archers had dropped their bows and joined the foray against the dyeing wyrm. Instinct and survival caused Astrianna to roll away from the lizard, but she was dazed and a claw opened up a wound in her thigh, and she was pinned to the ground.

The creature turned its head towards her, seeking to kill those that were ending its life, its jaws were fixated closed by the warrior’s blade, but the heavy foot upon her would soon crush her chest. She fought to breath, drew her dagger and struck downward with all her might.

The animal shook and the foot lifted briefly and suddenly Astrianna was yanked from under the massive foot as it crashed back down to where she had just been. She saw the warrior grab a spear off the ground, and charge toward the wyrm. Bleeding and battered, she jumped to her feet took a sword from a dead guard and screaming her battle cry ran after the man who’d saved her.

The wyrm was bleeding heavily from dozens of wounds, the remaining guards rushed in stabbed with sword or spear and jumped away just as quickly, dyeing and outnumbered the creature tried to fight back with its tail and claws, shields caught blows, knocking men aside, but they were up and back to the attack. As the animal turned its head towards the two screaming apparitions, a spear penetrated its left eye and found its brain, it raised its head to bellow, but could not, and then a sword driven by the fury of a creature much smaller than itself, struck a blow that cut halfway thru its neck and it died!

Astrianna collapsed and the world went black!






Astrianna’s eyes opened, she shook he head and tried to sit up. A hand gently pushed her back down.

“Good, you’ve returned to us, quite the scare you gave us child.” Astrianna looked at the old woman sitting on the small stool. Pleasant smelling wisps of smoke from some herb wafted from her pipe and floated away through a small hole in the roof of a wagon.

The gentle rocking of the wagon from side to side made her feel very tired.

“Where am I?” Astrianna asked. “You’re in my wagon child. I’m the healer for this bunch, and close you were to death. The big wyrms claws are sometimes as nasty as their bites.”

“The rider, he lives?” “Aye child, Faelan son of Nieham of the nine hostages fairs well, thanks to you. Sometimes I swear that man will be the death of me, what with the chances he takes.”

Astrianna’s skin felt smooth and silky. She lifted the cover and looked down. The wound in her leg had been sewn closed and strange and fragrant oil had been applied to her entire body. The old woman smiled. “Another day or so and my needle work can be removed. “Deep the wound was and the poison spread rapidly through your body. You vexed even my skills child, you are indeed lucky to be alive.” mumbled Doris.

“Drink this, it will ease the pain and also give you strength.” “What is it? Astrianna asked. “Its broth made from the dead wyrm. Though their bite be deadly, their meat is tasty and brings much strength.

Astrianna drank the liquid and instantly felt strength returning to her bruised and battered body. “ Ye can get up and move around some, but take it easy for a few more days, you were at deaths door child for sure.”

“Here put these on, Nigel our armourer and his wife made them from the wyrm skin, and a right fine job they did too!”

Astrianna sat up, took the garments from the old woman, and gazed at them in amazement. Like the finest boiled armour were they, hard yet soft and supple, with iridescent scales sew across the shoulders and down the sides.

The cuirass was lined with kid skin and felt luxurious against her bare skin. The Girdle, boots and gloves completed the armour and left her looking and feeling wonderful. She gazed down and the wyrm scales seemed to glow and yet absorb light and they were hard as rock, but yet flexed with her movements.

“Aye lass, ye look good and Nigel and his wife are the best I’ve found for making comfortable armor, ye be lucky they had enough undamaged skin to make those.”

Astrianna made her way to the door ,looked over her shoulder at the old woman, “Bah child, you’ve no need of thanking me, just mind that leg a bit, no horse play or rough stuff you here!” Astrianna smiled, and stepped forth into the sun light.


She shaded her eyes and looked about. She spied Faelan talking to a small group of his soldiers. It felt good to stand in the sun light.

She stretched like a huge cat and felt her muscles and tendons complain from the lack of use. She would need to begin her sojo’s, her lack of activity had left her stiff and lazy.

She approached Faelan , and stopped close to him. He turned towards her, her sword in his hand, smiled and handed the weapon to her.”Tis good to see you up and about lassie”, he said. Astrianna took the sword, stepped back and immediately began swinging, twirling, spinning and yelling as she performed some intricate fighting movements.

Faelan watched her in amazement, he knew she had to be in pain, sore and stiff, but her face showed nothing, only idioms of her fighting style. No wonder her people were revered as great fighters. Her practice lasted a good while, and when she was done her breath was hard and fast, and a sheen covered her body. A slight oozing of blood wept from the wound on her leg.

“Lass, old Doris will have my hide if your break her stitching” chuckled Faelan.

Astrianna glanced down and wiped away the trace of blood. She looked at Faelan, he seemed none the worse for wear and tear, but weeks had followed the fight with the wyrm

“ The weapon, can I ask where you got it?” Faelan asked of her. Astrianna related the story to him and at its end Faelan spat and cursed the dogs that had bred to make those three. “Tis a fine weapon and is strange to my eyes as well, how a cur obtained it is something we’ll never know, but it suits you well.”

The encampment was busy going about its daily routine and in the hazy distance Astrianna could make out a small town.

“Nigel and his wife did a fine job on the armor I see”, said Faelan.

“It’s very nice, but was unnecessary” chimed Astrianna. “Nonsense Lass, if you hadn’t charged and attacked that monster when you did, I’d be dead. And for that not only myself, but the rest of my troop are grateful.”

Astrianna stared at him, and began to feel her stomach tighten slightly. She looked away, and knew she should walk away, but somehow she was rooted to the spot.

She could feel his eyes on her and she was suddenly uncomfortable. She started to turn when a rider came in fast, stopped before Faelan and told him a good dozen light Calvary were approaching.

“ Come lass, this may be interesting”, said Faelin. The tone of his voice said more than all his words!

They approached the stopped riders, and stopped a few feet short of them.

Astrianna had noted that Faelans men had spread out ever so slightly. That he had expected trouble was now confirmed by the way he stood. She noted he stood poised on the balls of his feet, rather than flat footed, and his gaze wandered not one second from that of the light horse’s leader.

“What seek you here?” asked the Captain of the Calvary patrol. “We are merchants, seeking to ply our wares” answered Faelan.

“You seemed well armed and trained for a merchant caravan” muttered the captain, as his eyes scanned Faelan and his men. “The road is not without its dangers” answered Faelin. His gaze stopped at Astrianna. He took in her posture, weapons and looks, all while staring at her.

Astrianna gave back as she was given. “ Fine looking armor” said the Captain, “Made from a wyrn is it not?” His look and tone was more a statement of fact, rather than a question. “It is indeed” answered Astrianna. “We ran afoul of one a few weeks back.” The Captain eyed the wound on her thigh and looked toward Faelan. The woman, she fought as well?”, he asked of Faelan. Faelan smiled and Astrianna caught the slightest of movement from his left hand. A signal to his men she thought. Well trained indeed she thought to herself , far more than a normal band of guards, these men were a well trained fighting unit.

“ I fought yes, Captain” said Astrianna.” Where I hail from all women are fighters.”

The Captains eyebrows rose ever so slightly. He began to laugh and his men laughed with him. “You fought, and I suppose you killed the wyrm too?” he chuckled.” Aye, that she did, and one of the finest fighters I’ve laid eyes on in many a moon” spoke Faelan

“You take me for a fool” The Captains voice was now keen as a sharp blade” I take you for that and more!” snarled Astrianna, and then she spit!

“ female dog”, yelled the Captain and reached for his sword. Astrianna sprang like a great cat grabbing his stirrup leg and lifting and twisting together. Thrown off balance the rider fell from the saddle, a quick roll under the horse and Astrianna was on the downed rider in a heartbeat, pummeling his face with both fists.

Weapons were drawn on both sides, and a skirmish seemed eminent.“Hold” yelled Faelan, This be a matter of honor, stay your weapons!”Both sides relaxed, but eyes watched from both sides for the slightest of movements.

Astrianna continued her assault on the Captain, a wild display of pure fury and hate. As hard as he tried the man was unable to deflect all her blows, and blood poured from a broken nose and from one ear.

It was then that he grabbed the wound on her thigh and squeezed hard. Astrianna screamed and for the briefest of seconds her attack faltered. Her opponent grabbed her by the throat and rolled. The pain in leg and her weakened condition made her easy to flip over. Now the Infuriated man started beating at her face, raining down blow after blow.

“Stay your arms” bellowed Faelan, but the look on his face showed deep concern. Astriannas breathing was cut off and her vision began to swim. Reaching up along her opponent’s side her hand wrapped around the hilt of his dagger. Desperately and with her vision going black, she pulled the dagger and back handed the skull crusher pommel against the side of the Captains head

A grunt sounded and again she struck, this time the blow connecting with his temple and the unconscious man fell over. Drawing a deep breath and shaking her head to clear the cobwebs Astrianna, rolled on top of him, reversed the dagger and raised her hand to plunge it into his chest. Faelan leapt and hit Astrianna on the fly, knocking her off the unconscious form, pinned her arms to the ground and looked her in the eye. “No lass, now is not the time for killing, you made your point well enough!” Faelan stood and looked at her beaten face, one eye was swollen shut and blood flowed from her nose and mouth. He extended a hand to her. She gazed up and him for a second and then took his hand. Never had she thought of a man as a friend or a companion, but this man…this man was different.

“Best you go off and see old Doris, I can hear her now as soon as she takes one look at you” Astrianna limped off in the direction of the old woman’s wagon. “Astrianna” called Faelan. Astrianna turned and looked at him questionably.

“Well done lass, well done.” Astrianna smiled, and hobbled off to catch what she knew would be an earful from the old woman, but it was worth it she thought to herself.

Faelan turned towards the light horse. “Take your Captain and leave. As far as I’m concerned this affair was settled. Two riders dismounted and lifted the unconscious form and threw him over his saddle. They remounted and rode off into the distance.

“ Tristan” said Faelan, “ Put riders out and tonight double the guard”

“ Aye my Lord, as you wish” spoke Tristan “And I’ll see that all the men sharpen their weapons as well”.

“ Good, I’ve a feeling we’ll need them sharp. Carry on” And he walked off towards the wagons.

The ruckus had caused the camp routine to stop, and now the traders and their families watched Astrianna limp by them and head towards old Doris’s wagon. Faelan came up quickly and with a few quick words to the men and their wives, was off after Astrianna, the bustle around the camp soon picked up pace and weapons were removed from hidden places on every wagon.

“Gods above child! by Juna’s teats, ye look like a butchered sow, Didn’t I tell you to take it easy, and the leg is bleeding too!”Doris wailed! “Child you’re a handful you are, that’s for sure, get your backside up in me wagon!”

Head down Astrianna climbed the short stairs a hidden smile on her face.

“And you! Lord all high and mighty. Are you daft letting her tussle after all she’s been thru?” snapped the old woman. “Well I” was all Faelan got out, before Doris commenced with a spouting of language that made Faelan’s ears burn.

“Damn it man, the girls weak and was almost dead, and you stand and watch it all happen. Have you taken one too many blows to your head?” prattled Doris.

“It was a fight of honor, and she’s of her own mind”. Faelan replied. “Had we interfered all hell would have broken loose”, he snapped back.

“Bah, honor my butt, if that lass is busted up inside, I’ll tan your backside like I did when you were little. Now get about your business whilst I tend to the girl. Bunch of fool hardly young uns, fightin and carryin on”. Old Doris spit, “off with ye I said…scat! She turned and climbed the stairs and entered the wagon.

“And you young miss hot head, didn’t I tell you no horseplay” echoed from inside the wagon.

Faelan shook his head and beat a hasty retreat!





Amazon, Astrianna’s tale continues, Part 4


Old Doris looked at Astrianna sitting on the bed, blood still flowed from her mouth and her nose, but she was more concerned for the leg wound that was leaking blood.

“Damn it lass”, Doris chided, “did you have to start so soon?” Astrianna said nothing, instead she looked at the wagon’s floor. “Well at least you taught the male without a father some manners” Doris cackled and coughed. Doris pulled up the stool and sat down, poking and prodding at the stitches on Astrianna’s leg. She watched Astrianna winch as she wiped away the blood. “Aye lassie, I bet that hurts, it does!” “Fool girl, ye no more brains than Faelan, I swear!”

She stood, walked over to a small chest, removed a well worn tree branch from the chest, and a brownish liquid. “Bite down on this piece o’ wood lass, this is gonna burn like fire, but I kin take no chances of infection settin in.” Astrianna placed the piece of wood in her mouth and bit down. The old woman smiled and winked at her, and then Astrianna screamed into the wood and bit down so hard, it splintered. Her knuckles turned ghostly white as the liquid splashed onto the open oozing wound. Her breath was swept away as pain washed up her leg and exploded in her head. Her vision went black for a second and she felt the old woman grab a hold of her. “The worst is over lassie, be strong, it will pass!”

Her vision returned and she felt the pain easing. Doris looked at her and then whispered, “Next time I tell ye no horse play, maybe you’ll listen, but I doubt it”, then she laughed!

“Now” she muttered, “let me tend to that eye”. She forced Astrianna’s eye open and gazed into it. “Well, it looks good, the eyeball does, he hit ye a good one he did”, and again she laughed. Reaching back into the chest again, she produced some plant-like material, opened another small bottle and poured some clear liquid on to the mossy material. “Put this on your eye, it will take the swelling down,” she chuckled and looked at Astrianna. “You’ll have a dozy of a shiner lass but that too will pass with time.

Wait a few hours and then get yourself over to the creek yonder and strip down and wash yourself clean. Here, take this lye soap with ye too, your startin to smell a bit, and ole Doris doesn’t want ye foulin me beddin. Astrianna opened her mouth to say something, thought better of it, stood up and opened the door. “And child,” Astrianna turned her head towards the woman. “Before ye drop your clothes, make sure none o’ the men folk are about. The site of ye necked might start another fight ta goin”, and she burst into laughter.

Again Astrianna started to say something, but stopped. The old woman was still laughing as she closed the door and walked off.

Knowing she had to wait before bathing, she headed towards the armorer's wagon. Nigel saw her approaching and laid down his hammer. “Welcome”, he said to her. “I’ve come to thank you and your wife for the armor” she said. “Bah, twas nothing, and besides, you saved young Faelan so ye deserved something for almost diein’ on us.” A huge grin split his face, and Astrianna couldn’t help but smile back.

“How’s the gear wearing lass?” He looked at her questionably. “It’s fine, and I’m truly grateful for yours and your wife’s efforts.” She extended her sword arm to him. He wiped his hands on his leather apron, extended his right hand and they grasped forearms. “Is there any special care needed?” She asked of Nigel.

He walked over to the wagon, and reached into a small barrel. He pulled out a leather flask and handed it to her. “Rub this oil into the gear o’ every moon or so, it will help keep it supple. The wife and I make it ourselves from mink and beaver and other critters we can trap. Smells bad at first, but it won’t betray your presence once it soaks in.”

She nodded to him, and headed off towards the stream.

As she walked along she thought to herself, what a strange group of people. They seemed like a merchant caravan, but were to heavily trained, had to many men at arms and even the merchants had weapons secreted away. Very strange indeed she thought. But they had befriended her, and saved her life, made her a gift of beautiful and durable armor, and Faelan even included her in the talk with the light Calvary, but why?

She made her way through the tall grass and could hear the water flowing over some rocks. The vision in her battered eye was getting better and the leg only stung slightly now. She separated two saplings and stepped out into a small clearing. She froze. She wasn’t alone, but was undetected so far. She stepped back quietly so the saplings hid her from view.

She slipped out of her armor, and crouching down made her way into the stream. She was still undetected. The cold clear water made her nipples stiffen into tiny rocks, as she submerged her body till just her head was visible. She was laying just under the surface, for the stream was not very deep here, and she silently moved toward her prey in the deep pool ahead The water felt good and the noise it made as it cascaded downward covered her stealthy approach.

Closer she moved, closer still. The water began to deepen as she neared the pool. Soon she would be in striking distance. She knew she had to be silent and strike quickly, or she wouldn’t get a second chance.

Here skin was like gooseflesh from the cold water and here nipples ached from hardness, but she was almost there, so close. Her body naturally tensed up as she closed in the last few feet. Almost there, her pupils dilated, she held her breath. Now she thought, now, strike now before she was detected. She tensed up and extended her arm!



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I like this a lot Dezi! :whistling: :biggrin: :thumbsup:

Amazing. . .

help my little dragons grow. . . :happy:

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I can't wait to read another part..... :whistling: :biggrin:
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Astrianna Part V


She lashed out straight and true, her fingers diggings into Faelans bare skin right where his kidney was.


It happened as if in slow motion, he let out a yelp and spun his fist like a hammer. Astrianna took in the ripple of his muscles and tendons as the blow sailed over her head, had it connected with her head or face she’d have been knocked senseless for sure.


She rose up from the water laughing hysterically.


Faelan at an instant recognized her.” By Juna’s teats girl, what in the nine hells is the matter with you”? He yelled at her.


Her smile faded and was replaced with a sneer.” Girl! Girl!!!!,” she grabbed her breasts in both hands and squeezed them.


“Do these look as if they belong to a girl?” Faelan drank in her body, the water rolling in rivulets’ down her body, her breasts cupped in her hands, the nipples like the peaks of the high mountains. Though she was scarred and tattooed the markings only added to rather than detract from her appearance He was used to the soft towns woman but here was a woman as tough and as good a fighter as any man he’d ever seen. She was fire and brimstone, muscle and sinew, but all that could not hide her beauty or right now her anger at him.


“Only a fool would allow himself to be crept up upon while bathing. Had I been an enemy, would have been a dagger not my fingers in your side and your life’s blood would now be flowing down stream. “I am no girl” she spat the words at him, and Faelan unconsciously took a step back.


“I am a woman, and a warrior, my mother was Ceta head of our clan, my Grand matron was Isella, the breaker of the siege at Hallows Point, both superb fighters who passed on all their fighting knowledge to me and you call me girl?”


Faelan’s anger had faded under the verbal blows that Astrianna rained down on him


“You insult all that I am. I am as good as or better than any man. I am a warrior, with a warriors skills and a warrior’s heart. But last of all I am a woman and not some pasty faced soft bodied town’s woman or angel like you’re used too.”


Turning she waded up out of the water until her body was entirely visible. Faelan watched her backside as she moved down stream, watched her bathe her skin and wash her hair. Like a moth drawn to a flame he could not take his eyes from her, and though he knew she now loathed him, the stirring between his legs gave thoughts to other than fighting her.


He watched her grab up her armor, and walk thru the brush as naked as the day she was born…….

Astrianna was angry beyond belief, angry at being called a girl by Faelan. Had she not saved his life when fighting the worm and almost lost hers in the fray? Had she not bested that moronic Captain of the Guard? Even in her weakened condition?




As she bathed she could feel his eyes upon her, feel them taking in her movements, watching everything she did. She liked the way he looked at her, why she knew not. She had never experienced a man that had been taken from her by the call to arms at the invasion of her land. She was a lover of women and she had her first bleeding many moons ago, and yet he called her a girl.


Astrianna emerged from the stream, picked up her armor and strode into the camp completely naked.


As she walked through the camp on her way to Doris’s wagon she saw all the merchants and the soldiers stop what they were doing and stare. Many a man received a slap upside the head from his wife for gawking at her, but she cared not. She strode up to and entered Doris’s wagon, threw her armor on the bed and sat down.


Doris looked at her and blew a smoke ring, smiled and then spoke. “Well at least ye smell better than ya did a while ago” a small chuckle rattled in her throat.


“Had an interesting bath I take it did ya now”? The words were more a statement than a question.


“He called me a girl! a girl!!!!, I wish it had been a dagger I’d stuck him with,” spoke Astrianna.


Doris’s laughter filled the small wagon.” Ahhhhh” she chortled! “So tis Faelan that’s put the burr under your saddle.” She laughed again. “Don’t be too harsh on him lass, that man had to grow up fast and hard as nails to stay alive. He has a tender side, but keeps it hidden, lest it be used agin him.”


Astrianna looked at the old woman.” What goes on here, this is no ordinary merchants caravan. There’s too many well trained men at arms and even the so called merchants have weapons secreted away.” Astrianna looked at the old woman quizzically.


“You’ve a keen eye, but I knew that. All I can say is that Faelan seeks something very important to him,” Doris removed the pipe from her mouth and looked at Astrianna with a look of trust. “Patience lass, Faelan likes and trusts you, and that’s a big first step, but don’t be nosing around asking questions. When and if he wants ye to know his business, he’ll tell ya!”

She returned the pipe to her mouth took a few puffs and exhaled the smoke towards the hole in the roof of the wagon. She looked back at Astrianna. “Lass”, she said, “trust me, if ye can’t do that then maybe you’d best move along and put all this behind ye. Me thinks fate and the Goddess have brought you too us, but only you can decide for yerself whether ye stay or go”. Doris coughed, got up and spit out the back door.


“Now, get yourself dressed a fore all the women in the camp come here a complainin to me…” She began to laugh again. Tis sure must have been quite the site to some of the men here, you in all your glory struttin thru the camp head a high like the princess I think ye truly are.”

Both Astrianna and Doris laughed and laughed………





They morning sun brought warmth into the small valley. As Astrianna awoke she smelled food cooking and the aroma set her mouth to watering. She slipped into her armor, fastened her sword to her waist and slipped her dagger into the boot sheath.


As she stepped from the wagon she took in the entire goings on in and around the camp, the women were gathered around a huge cook fire roasting slabs of venison, and fresh baked bread was stacked on a nearby table. The outriders and guards were all at their posts as Astrianna advanced to the fire.


Someone had gathered a huge amount of bird’s eggs, and had scrambled them into a large frying pan. All the women said good morning to her as she reached down, grabbed four small eggs and one at a time popped them shell and all into her mouth. She chewed them shell and all and the raw eggs taste brought a smile to her face. Old Doris was sitting by the fire, her pipe rolling wisps of smoke into the morning air.


One of the women handed her a plate with a thick cut of meat upon it, some cook eggs and a huge warm piece of bread on it. Astrianna nodded to the woman and took up a place next to old Doris.


“Eat child, you’ll need the strength.” Astrianna took no offense at the old woman’s calling her a child, Doris was an elder, and wise in her ways and Astrianna knew she meant no slight or offense by her use of the word.

As Astrianna ate Doris poked and prodded at the leg wound. “Good” she said,” the redness and swelling are gone and you flinched not when I poked at it”


Astrianna belched, and smiled at the Old woman. A child approached and handed Astrianna a flagon of Meade. Astrianna thanked the young boy who then ran off, hide behind his mother and peeked around her skirt at Astrianna.


“Hah,” Doris laughed, “Even the younguns are afeared of ye girl, as they should be. They’ve never seen a woman like you before scarred and tattooed and a more than a capable fighter. They don’t say it but the women and the men appreciate ye being here, that’s a fact. They know how to fight but only as a last resort. Aye girl, you’ve brought life back into this group tis true.” Doris looked at her as she swallowed half the flagon, and then picked up her plate to finish her meal.


“Well’’ said Doris. “ Are ye a stayin or movin on?” Astrianna took the last bit of the bread and ran it across the plate soaking up the juice from the venison, popped it into her mouth, chewed and then looked at Doris.


“I’ll stay a bit longer, just to see what happens.” She spoke the words softly and then smiled, men women and the children were now gathered around eating. Astrianna finished her Meade, looked again at Doris and smiled. “I need to pee something fierce”, she said to Doris and strode of into the tree line.


Doris puffed away on her pipe as she watched Astrianna vanish into the trees.


“Aye she thought to herself, we’re all glad ye found us Lady Amazon.” She coughed, and spat into the fire, listening to the sizzle of her sputum on a log and she began to laugh.



Astrianna busied herself sharpening her weapons and dressing up her armor, she oiled and buffed it and was amazed at how well it was constructed. She then began to wander the camp just looking at everyone, but never stopping to talk. She acknowledged hellos with a nod only. The little boy who had brought her the Meade peaked out at her from inside his families’ wagon. Astrianna smiled to herself and moved on.


It was slightly after noon when the alarm cry echoed across the camp. The out riders and half the men vanished into the tree line on either side and the rest followed Faelan, whom she hadn’t seen all morning to the head of the camp. She walked up and stood beside him, her hands on her hips.


About sixty heavily armed riders approached, and lead by all things… a woman!


“Watch and listen” Faelan spoke softly to her. She didn’t look at him, but nodded her head slightly.


The party of riders stopped. The woman was in her late thirty’s, pretty and wore chain male and a Sir coat. “I am Geneva, Duchess of this land. I come seeking the supposed girl that bested my Captain of the guard. Faelan rolled his eyes and the word “poo” was said under his breath.


“Girl”, and as Astrianna sprang Faelan wrapped his arms around her and pinned them to her sides, she bite at him and tried to stomp on his feet but Faelan was no fool. “You’ll get us all killed, women and children…is that what you want?”He spun her around and glared at her eye to eye. “Those are heavy horse with her, they’ll ride over us like so much chafe in the wind.”


Astrianna glared at him and then the fire in her eyes turned into smolder. She relaxed and then Faelan let her go. She turned to face the other woman.


“So” said the Duchess to Astrianna.” It’s true what I was told about you. You have the temper of a wyrm protecting its eggs you do. I meant no insult, but I needed to find out for myself if what I was told was true…and I see that it was and is.” She then smiled. “By the looks of you your more than just a woman with a temper and from the bashing you gave my Captain, it seems quite the fighter as well.”


Astrianna took a step forward. “I fought my first fight at the age of 14. I killed three picts single handed and brought their heads home as proof. At 15 I killed my first wyrm, again all alone but not of the size of the one we killed a forth night back.”


“Picts you say, aye we get them on occasion here, they slaughter and pillage small towns or lone farmers and their families, but we track them down and collect justice for those slain. And your ability to slay the wrym is readily seen by the armor you wear.

I’ve heard of a race of women far to the north east of here that are warriors equal to any man but thought them just the musings of bards and minstrels. It seems the stories may hold some fact.”


“I am Astrianna, daughter of Ceta, the head of our clan, Granddaughter of Isella the wise and warrior Queen who ruled with an Iron hand and a warriors heart. I carry the scars of battle and the marks of advancement upon my body. I am no ordinary warrior” her voice rose, “ I am Amazon, the equal of any man with a sword, I bow to no one and fighting and love making with women is all I know off or care about. I fear you not woman, you may kill me and all here, but know you’ll never live to see the battles ending.”


The Duchess looked at Astrianna, and then smiled. “You are indeed proud and fearless…I like that. I came here not for battle but to see if you’re interested in performing a certain task for me?”

It was if a sudden cool breeze swept across the land on a hot day. Astrianna could feel the easing of tensions of both sides.


“Tell me what you seek of me, and then I’ll answer.”


“Careful” she heard Faelan whisper to her


“To the west a day’s travel, I s a cave, this cave leads to a tower. In that tower is a book I seek, return the book to me is all I ask of you.


“And I am to get what from this venture, besides your gratitude?” She spoke to the Duchess like an equal, not like one humbled by her title or presence. Whatever you find in this cave or the tower is yours. I care not what it is. All I seek is the book.”


“Then why not just take some men and retrieve it yourself?” There was now an air of distain about Astrianna, Faelan sensed it. He knew Astrianna was no one’s fool and now the Duchess sought to treat her as one.


The Duchess looked at her for a second, and then smiled again. “It seems not only are you a fighter, but your intelligent as well. I sent twenty-five of my finest into that cave, all we ever found were their heads on poles at the entrance to it.”The Duchess eyed her.” Well, yes or no, time is precious.”


“How will I know this book? Astrianna asked?


“That’s easy”, the Duchess leaned forward in her saddle.”It’s made from human skin. Bring it to me at my Duchy, one days hard ride from here, and you’ll have my gratitude and if you like, me as well.”


Astrianna smiled back at her. “Done” was all she said!

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This part is amazing, just like the first one...This keeps getting better and better. . . :biggrin: :thumbsup:
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Mmmmm....I like this sentence with ''human skin'' in it....I saw a movie once, where all books were made of human skin...brrrrrr :thumbsup: :biggrin:
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