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Amazon's Revenge


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How could you hide part V here without telling me dezzi? It's everything I wanted and expected from you. I'm seriously looking forward to part VI all the more now. How about a PM next time - pwetty pwease wiv a cherry on top? LOL :biggrin:
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How could you hide part V here without telling me dezzi? It's everything I wanted and expected from you. I'm seriously looking forward to part VI all the more now. How about a PM next time - pwetty pwease wiv a cherry on top? LOL :biggrin:

I promise I'll pm you when I add part VI. And thank you for your comments and compliments :biggrin:

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Part VI

Asrianna: Part VI


As Astrianna walked away Faelan ran up to her.”Astrianna …wait!” She stopped and half-turned towards him.

“Yes?” was all she said.


“You can’t go alone; you know not what lies inside that cave, nor the tower”


She looked at him quizzically.”I am a warrior, I fear not what I can’t see, and fear little when I do. I’m capable of taking care of myself.” Her tone was blunt.


“Geneva said she lost twenty-five of her best men in that cave”


Astrianna burst into laughter.”Her Captain was no match for me, even when I was injured, her best are nothing but fodder or worse.” She turned and started to walk away again.


“Only a fool goes into the unknown or into a river with no one to watch their back” he yelled after her.

She stopped, turned slightly, looked at him for a second and then a smile crossed her face. She motioned with her head and Faelan joined her and together they walked into the camp.


The following morning they packed up some water, some smoked venison and a few dried fish. Faelan walked over to the fire and filled a leather pouch with some ashes and a few charred pieces of wood. “What’s that for?” Astrianna asked of him.


“You’ll see when the time comes. Let’s go.”


Both Faelan and Astrianna Mounted two horse and galloped off into the distance.


That night they set up camp within site of the cave entrance, but hidden from direct view. They had removed the saddles from the horses and taken their supplies. Faelan had hobbled the horses ,lest they wander away in the night. They made a small fire and roasted a hare that Astrianna had felled with a well placed thrown rock.


As they ate Faelan watched Astrianna. The firelight cast shadows that danced and jumped in the waning moonlight.


“Why do you stare at me?” The sudden words made Faelan quickly avert his eyes. “Why do you stare at me?” she asked again, as she looked up at him.


“I was watching the shadows dancing across your face” Faelan replied.


“You avoid my question. Why? For a man used to giving orders and being obeyed without hesitation; you hesitate to answer me. Am I hideous to look at?” her voice was flat, no show of emotion.


“On the contrary, I find you most pleasant to look at.” Faelans voice was soft, the usual edge to his voice, gone.

“Ahhh, so perhaps you think that us being alone, under the sky and the perchance of death on the marrow makes you yearn to have Me.? Her words and her steady gaze made Faelans throat constrict slightly. It’s as if she could read his mind.


“The thought had crossed my mind, but I know your pleasure seeking lies with women and not men.” He again averted his eyes.


“I have never been with a man, tis true. My time to mate and produce a young one was to happen, but then the call to battle took that away from me. I was taught by my mother and Grand matron the ways of men and the things they like. But choice was ordained for me. Only the best male slave would be allowed to mate with me, and if he produced a girl child, he would be allowed to breed with me again. If he produced a male child” she hesitated as if searching for the right wording. “His life would be…not so pleasant.”


“So your race uses men for breeding only?” Faelan asked with surprise in his voice.


“No…No” Astrianna laughed.” We also use men to farm our land and tend our flocks, to make our armor and clothing. Such tasks are not for warrior women of the Amazon Tribes.” Her tone was light and she smiled at him.


‘So men are kept as slaves then, no better than the animals they tend!” he spat the words out at her.


Astriannas eyes narrowed.”You judge me and my race, but is it not true that your kind sell the kushites and the shemites into slavery? Is it not true that women are sold for the pleasure of their buyers? That families are torn apart, children separated from their siblings never to see them again? What makes your kind any better than us? There was anger in her voice now and Faelan looked at her.


“I neither keep nor sell human flesh. Slavery is wrong and I have no dealings with those that sell or trade in human misery and suffering. I judge you not, for that is how you were raised and taught. Hear me out. Never judge me by the standards of others again. You are perhaps the best warrior I’ve seen next to me, but I’ll hesitate not to cross swords with you if the need arises.” His words had the ring of truth and Astrianna now saw Faelan as a man not only capable of swift violence but as a man with an ethical side as well.


She smiled at him, nodded and then spoke. “Now we understand each other. That is good. Now we know what to expect from one another, what can and cannot be spoken of between us. Now we can fight together like true comrades. Know This Faelan of the Nine; that I Astrianna of the Amazons will gladly lay down my life to protect you. That my sword arm is yours until you deem it unnecessary, by this I swear to the Goddess and on the spirits s of my ancestors.”


Faelan looked at her a smile played across his face. “You are indeed a strange one lass, quick to anger, yet quick to forgive and swear loyalty. Wouldst I have a few more like you. Know this Astrianna, Princess of the Amazon, that I too will be always at your side and that your life is my life and my sword will be yours in return. I give not my word lightly. My word is my bond”

“So be it”. She replied


She watched as Faelan lay down, his sword unsheathed at his side and soon the she could detect the change in his breathing that told her he was fast asleep. She watched him and thought .What a strange turn of events had her life’s path taken since that battle. The Goddess knows what she is about, but Astrianna wondered what it was. As she prepared to lie down she again looked at Faelan, and then felt a sudden stirring in her loins. She he was suddenly aware of a moistness between her legs, and she quickly lay down and blanked the images from her mind.


They awoke with the morning sun. They ate dried fish and some dried fruit. Faelan removed the last of the bundles from his horse and then with the saddles removed turned both animals out to graze.

“You did well not to bind them, just in case” Astrianna looked deeply into Faelans eyes. “Lass” he said, “We’ll return. I don’t want them hobbled just in case a bear or cougar came hunting.”


Astrianna nodded. She watched as Faelan took an odd shaped bundle, untied its rawhide lashings and then produced a battle axe that made her jaw drop.


The axe blade was the same color blue metal as was the sword she carried except for the black and red ruins carved into the metal.


Faelan looked at her. “It belonged to my Great Grandfather. He used it in the War of the united races against the Pictish uprising many years ago.”


“I was told stories of that War by my Grand Matron when I was but a small child. It was the only time that all the races joined to fight the picts who had been united by the Great Clan Chief Sol- Amon the Defiler. She told me of the days of bloodshed and slaughter as thousands died on each side until finally a leader on the united races had stepped out into the field one morning and challenged the Great War Chief to single combat.”

“Aye lass” spoke Faelan that man was my great grandfather and this was his battle axe. They fought for more than half a sun before my Grand Sire slew Sol-Amon and the hordes fled in defeat and all was at peace for many years.”


“After the Battle My Great Grandfather had six swords made of this metal. One each was to be given to the Head of each army that had joined the battle the Pictish hordes”. Faelan looked at the axe as he spoke as if in reverence to his mighty ancestor.


“We never received any such weapon” snapped Astrianna. “My Great Grand Mother and our race were snubbed even though they fought side by side with all the male armies. She swore after she returned from the war never to join with the other again because of the disgrace put upon her and our sisters who had fought and died.” Her eyes smoldered as the words dripped like poison from the fangs of a cobra.


“That’s not true” Faelan told her. “All the swords were given to the Sorcerer Dante to be magically inscribed. My Great Grandfather always thought that the sword had been delivered. He could never figure out why the Amazons cut themselves off from everyone after that war. I see now why there has been bad blood between your people and the other races. The sword never got to your Grand Mistress. It never even got inscribed like the other five blades were.”


“So that’s why you were as curious as to how I had obtained this blade” Asrianna’s tone had now returned to normal.


‘Aye Astrianna, twas quite the shock to me when I saw it, for there are only seven such weapons in existence. This axe and the six swords.” He looked at her and then stepped up to her. “I apologize for my families part in what has happened. Had my Great Grandfather known, no rock would have been left unturned till the weapon was recovered.” But it seems destiny or fate has gotten the blade back to your people where it belonged.”

“Faelan”, Astrianna spoke softly. “You owe neither me nor my people an apology for something that was beyond your Grand Sires knowledge or control.


They stared at each other, no words passing between them. Astrianna felt again the urge between her legs and could not understand why this man affected her in such a way.


Faelan stared at her, drinking in her features. Her eyes like deep pools, her lips full and sensuous. His eyes traveled downward to the swell of her breasts under the cuirass. He felt the need to have her, to take her in his arms and kiss her.


“Faelan” the sound of her saying his name was like the canary singing in the trees.” Faelan”, again the sweet sound of her voice made him smile.


He suddenly realized what he was doing and came to complete awareness.


“I…I’m….I don’t why I was” he fumbled for the words to say as he realized how it must have looked to her. “Please…I,” again the words would not come forward.


He felt her hand on his cheek and the world seemed to swim at her touch on his skin.

“It’s alright, I understand. We need to go” was all she said.


Faelan nodded and pulled the pouch with the ash and charcoal from his belt. He took the charcoal and lined her face and arms. Stooping down he began to line her calves, working his way up her legs to her thighs. His face was mere inches from the armored girdle that covered her womanhood. He told her to turn and then he marked the back of her legs as well.


He then took a hand full of ash and rubbed it over the charcoal blending both into her skin. He stood up and began applying the same things to himself. He looked at Astrianna and held the pouch out to her. She took it as he turned and knelt to apply the design to the back of his legs.


Her hands sent bolts of electricity trough his body and Faelan was hard pressed to keep from shaking. The touch of no woman had ever done this to him.


As Astrianna applied the charcoal and ash she could feel the muscles in his legs tense up. She herself was now uncomfortable with the urge to make love herself. She knew Faelan wanted her and now realized that these feelings between them could cause one or the other to do something careless and life threatening.


She stood up and Faelan turned towards her. “Faelan” the words were soft and melodic to his ears. “It can never be” she turned and walked off towards the cave entrance as tears trickled down her cheeks.


As they neared the cave entrance they saw the poles scattered about the ground. The heads had obviously been removed and buried by Geneva’s troops.


Their senses we’re assaulted by the stench wafting from the cave entrance. The smell of rotting flesh and bodily fluids made for an extremely nauseating smell.


Neither Faelan nor Astrianna faultered. Both had smelled worse and this smell hindered then not at all.

The interior was dark and small lamps spaced 40 paces or so apart cast eerie shadows about the walls. Astrianna crept slowly along the wall, blending in with the semi darkness and dim light. Faelan followed a few paces behind his mind now attuned to the task at hand and not wondering at what had happened between them outside the cave. He wondered who or what kept the lamps filled with the pungent oil that fired them.


Astrianna neared a turn in the trail; suddenly stopped and put her hand up. Faelan froze instantly. He watched her slowly peak around the rock outcropping. She motioned for him to advance and stepped back.


“Take a look” she whispered to him. He peaked around the corner and his eyes couldn’t believe what they saw. Two creatures, slightly taller than a good sized man but broader at the shoulder and heavily muscled moved around down the pathway. One was obviously male as neither wore any type of garment. The other had its back towards him. He silently stepped back and turned to face Astrianna.


“By Bansiks great balls, I’ve never seen the likes of anything such as that” his voice was soft and carried amazement.” Nor I” spoke Astrianna,” but it’s obvious they pose trouble.”


“Aye lass, we both knew t’would be no walk in the moonlight, but I never expected something like this.” Astrianna sniffed the air and yelled! “Lookout” she screamed. Faelan ducked, rolled and whipped out his battle axe as a huge club swung around the corner smashing into the rock wall scads inches from his head.


Astrianna struck like a cobra her sword lopping of the hand. A scream like nothing either had heard before pierced the air. Faelan was up and his shield caught the attack from the second creature, knocking aside the blow as he countered with the axe. The creature jumped back, the axe just missing its head and soon the creature and Faelan were fighting it out.


Astrianna lunged toward the wounded creature which nimbly moved aside and struck at her with its good arm,.Blood from the severed arm flew everywhere and now they too fought on like demons. Strikes were missed by both as Astrianna and the now recognizable female creature fought and missed. Both were nimble and both missed blows by less than the thickness of a dagger blade.


The sounds of combat echoed from the walls as grunts and battle cries filled the air.


Faelan took a blow on his shield, pushed up, and dropped to one knee and with a blow cut through his opponent’s leg above the knee. The creature screamed as it fell and Faelan split its skull before the creature even hit the ground. He spun towards Astrianna in time to see her take a blow to her left shoulder which lifted her off her feet and dropped her a few paces back from her antagonist.


The creature roared and charged, Faelan stepped forward and threw his axe, drew his sword and yelling a battle cry charged also.


As if in a dream Astrianna hit the ground hard. She rolled as she heard first the creature and the Faelan loosing their battle cries.


She rolled and drew the dagger from her boot and arises to one knee took aim and threw. She watched in slow motion as the creature bared fangs and advanced. An axe appeared in its chest, the creature staggered and screamed as her dagger penetrated the right eye of the creature and it dropped like a woodsman felling a tree. Faelan was past her in a blur and his sword cleaved the creature’s skull.


He sheathed his sword, pulled his axe free and immediately looked back around the corner. Astrianna arose, her left shoulder aching from the blow and removed and sheathed her dagger. Faelan turned towards her.

“Lass, ye need a shield or these brutes will make quick work or you.”


She could only nod. Though she could fight with a shield she preferred not to, but now she wished she had one.

“Those brutes are tough and fast” she heard him say. “And damned quiet on their feet also. I owe you my life again it seems. Had not that keen nose of yours detected them, my head would have been smashed to a pulp. Thank you.” He looked at her saw her smile and then she spoke.


Then we’re even, that axe toss stopped that thing dead in its tracks and I’m grateful to you.” She spoke softly and her tone said more than the words ever could.


“If Geneva lost 25 of her best in here, my guess is there’s plenty more fighting ahead.” Faelan added. “Come on lass, there killin to be done today.” He smiled at her and both rounded the corner.


The again moved quietly, one on each side so as not to get caught unawares. They neared another turn and Astrianna waited as Faelan took a look. She admired him she thought to herself, he truly had saved her again as she had him. They made a good partnership, each accenting the others fighting style. She watched him as he moved looking and gazing down the tunnel.


He walked over to her.”The tunnel runs down hill slightly and I can hear more mutterings of those creatures. She nodded then spoke. “You don’t have to do this Faelan, this may end in both our deaths and your people need you.”


“Lass, if I’m to die then I can think of no one whom I’d rather die fighting alongside of. But we’re not going to die, we’re going to wreck havoc among these things. I’m with you till the end Astrianna.On my word, one way or the other.


She smiled at him. “Together, till the end. One way or the other.” She said with lightness in her voice that let him know she was ready to finish it.


They spied a small alcove. In it were some foodstuffs that looked very much like human flesh. But also there was four medium sized barrels of the foul smelling lamp oil.

“Come on”, said Faelan, let’s see what’s down that tunnel.


They crept quietly downward till it grew brighter. An open expanse greeted them, but also they saw a good half a hundred of the creatures. They were tending to arms making and some were cooking. Others were just talking in some strange muttering, but the most amazing thing was that some were having sex, in the open where all could see.


‘’What the….” Faelan started. Suddenly Astrianna whispered.”Let’s go back up, quickly.” Both returned the way they came. “We’ll never get past them. It’s death for sure and quick too.” she said.

“Aye lass, we’d be the next meal tis sure. But I’ve an idea>” he smiled the smile that meant his idea meant no good to those on the receiving end.


They went into the alcove, carried the barrels to the pathway. Faelan split the tops with his axe. Astrianna looked at him questionably. “You’ll see lass. Get one of those lamps” and again he smiled. She returned his smile because now it dawned on her what he intended to do. She fetched a lamp. “I’m ready” was all she said.

Walking out to the middle of the tunnel Faelan yelled at the top of his lungs. “Hey you ugly mother’s sons of blighted angel flesh. Come taste steel.”


Suddenly the sounds of yells and running feet could be heard. Running to the side Faelan hoisted a barrel and tossed it as far as he could. It exploded on contact with the floor, oil running down the tunnel. It was followed by a second and then a third.


“Wait lass till we’re sure.” He looked at her winked and a small chuckle escaped his lips. He’s enjoying this she thought. Here was a man, no a warrior unlike any other she’d come across. Gentle and kind when need be, but cold blooded when the time for killing arose .He was liken to her she thought and now she smiled and began to laugh also. Soon their laughing echoed down the tunnel and the infuriated cries told them they’d hit a nerve with the creatures. They could hear the creatures slipping and falling in the oil and they laughed all the harder.

As they watched an amassed bunch rounded the turn and on seeing Faelan and Astrianna standing there screamed even louder. Astrianna turned towards them looked over her shoulder and patted her back side. A roar arose from the now berserk things trying to get at them. More came into view.


Faelen lifted and tossed the last barrel; it too exploded spraying oil onto the floor and all over the front rank of creatures. “Now Lass, burn them good.”


The lamp sailed through the air and hit the ground a few feet in front on the advancing horde. As if they shared a common brain they all stopped and suddenly they all realized what was about to happen. Flames erupted and raced downward as the front creatures lit up like torches screams of pain and terror now filled the cave. The tunnel was an inferno of flame, flesh and hair. Running to Astriannas side they both watched as a screaming vision ran past them only to crash headlong into the wall and collapse in a burning heap. A second and a third made it to the wall then died.


Faelan and Astrianna sat on the cave floor ate some dried fish and drank some water as they waited for the flames to subside and the last of the screams to die out.


“I haven’t had that much fun since I was a child” Faelan said with a small laugh.


He looked at Astrianna. She was staring at him. “Lass, are you ok?


She reached over, ran her hand along the side of his face and smiled.


Faelan leaned in kissed her and when she responded all thought of killing vanished. He found the binding for her armor and soon it lay on the floor as she in turn removed his. As the last moans died down the tunnel, moans of pleasure from two others replaced them.

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0_o Wow dezi have you considered writing these into a book and trying to get it published? It's very good and isn't your average fiction (no dragons etc. lol) I think it would be a hit if you did decided to publish it (when you're done of course)
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0_o Wow dezi have you considered writing these into a book and trying to get it published? It's very good and isn't your average fiction (no dragons etc. lol) I think it would be a hit if you did decided to publish it (when you're done of course)

Was always my intention .Thank you for your comments.I'm glad your enjoying my story.

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Brilliant, and well worth the wait Dezzi. One minor continuity snagette ... the horses were shooed away initially, then again; put out to graze. Makes me think you stopped writing this chapter half way through ... LOL What the heck, you brought a tear to my eye with your fine grasp of the human condition and emotions. Did I tell you I love this story yet?


Looking forward to reading the next part. Pretty please - with a fruit of your choice on top - can I get another PM when it's ready hun?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

They proceeded down the tunnel slowly. Pockets of acrid smoke and smoldering bodies made the air almost unbreathable. Charred bodies had split open and bodily fluids oozed from they like slow moving rivers. The creatures had died in horrible gestures of pain and Astrianna was amazed at the destruction some had incurred upon their bodies.


They neared the bottom and both Astrianna and Faelan stopped. Shambling feet and groans of pain greeted their ears. Faelan leaned in and whispered in her ear.”Let's do it lass,we'll fight back to back if the need arises.” Without looking at him she nodded her head.


Weapons at the ready they walked out into the cavern and both stopped in their tracks. Human beings with burned and charred bodies lay on the ground and some limped while holding burnt and charred limbs. * By the Goddesses Teats,what magic is this?” Astrianna said to no one in particular.”I know not lass, but foul and evil doings are about in this place and we'd best take no chances upon meeting someone or something down here as it may not be what we think it is.” Astrianna looked quickly to Faelan,” Aye” was all she said.


The moaning and groaning figures looked at them with fear and distrust. Some were burned horribly and Faelan and Astrianna dispatched them quickly to end their suffering. Those able to walk, moved away from the pair muttering in a strange tongue which neither of the two understood. The proceeded carefully,separated only by a few feet, their eyes moving back and forth scanning the shadows and dwellings for signs of life. As they neared a huge hut they heard a cry that echoed thru the cavern. A huge warrior emerged from the hut. He somewhat resembled the creatures they'd seen earlier but this was definitely a man.


The figure charged and Astrianna and Faelon split apart and charged as well. They man turned towards Astrianna and swung a vicious sword cut towards her. Rolling under the blow she twisted and swung a backhand blow with her sword that cut into the attackers thigh, with a scream it whirled on her with lightening speed and Faelans Axe and the sword collided and the clash or metal upon metal echoed thru the cavern. Faelan quickly jumped back as a counter strike from the man barely missed his face and Astrianna was up on her feet and again her sword flicked like a serpents tongue and blood was draw from the attackers left arm. The three fought like demons striking,countering and parrying and soon all three were covered in blood as wounds wept their precious life giving blood.


They fought on, all three tiring, Faelan was amazed at the skill this man possessed. Never had he faced someone like this and he was glad Astrianna was here or he'd be a dead man now for sure. Astrianna screamed her war cry,the one Faelan had heard when they fought the wyrm. As he watched her launch herself into the air,sword at the ready, he parried a blow with his now dented shield and dropping to one knee swung a blow with all his strength at the warriors knee.


Astrianna's cry broke the warriors attention from Faelan he turned ever so slightly and brought his weapon to bare.. She and the warrior locked eyes and a smile crossed Astrianna face. In mid air she turned slightly and she knew the warrior had made a fatal mistake. He had begun to swing at her and now he was committed to his strike but her body had turned and the sword blow glanced harmlessly off her armor. It was at what moment Faelans Axe driven by his remaining strength severed the warriors leg at the knee and caused him to start to topple as an intense scream of pain left his lips and Astrainna's sword cleaved his skull to the breastbone.


They both lay upon the ground out of breath, their aching muscles crying for relief. Both drank deeply from their goat skin canteens, exhausted but at least alive.


"What in Fragon's seven hells was that thing?” Astrianna said to Faelan as she sat up.” I know not lass,but I'm glad you were here with me cause I'd be dead otherwise!” Astrianna looked into his eyes,smiled and spoke. “Indeed,I too would be in the cook pot had I been alone. Never have I faced a warrior like him and I hope I never face another.” Faelan began to laugh and soon Astrianna joined him. Death had come to the door but had not called and they laughed from sheer relief rather than at something funny


They tended to their wounds and ate some of the dried fish and jerked venison. Faelan looked at his wounds and smiled. Astrianna watched him. “Why do you smile my lord?” Faelan looked at her “my lord” he thought to himself. That was a term he had never expected to hear from her lips. “Lass” he said, “ if I get anymore wounds I'll have no skin left to look at. Astrianna began to laugh,” What a pair we make,we both look like old war horses rather then fighters,but every scar I carry I carry with honor, for many who have faced me are no longer alive and in their deaths I wear their badge of their prowess.” Faelan gazed at her. “ Lass you are indeed a strange one. You kill without care or remorse and take chances like no fighter I've seen before and yet you honor and glorify those whom you've killed. Deep are you Astrianna,Princess to the Amazon,deep and perplexing but I'd have no other by my side in a fight.”He watched as that small grin,the grin she used not only in battle,but in her talking to him and he knew she was pleased.




They proceeded cautiously and they watched for any kind of movement anywhere in the cavern. They came upon a small stream running from a crack in the rock face.Astrianna dipped her fingers,smelled them then touched them to her lips. Smileing she turned towards faelan."It's sweet and ice cold" she whispered to him. Both drank deeply of the cold refreshing water and also topped of their goat skins.


Another tunnel lay ahead and slightly to the right. both moved like mountain cats,light on their feet and useing shadows to their advantage. Astrianna stopped short and Faelan immediately froze. Out of what appeared to be solid rock from their vantage point at least, a woman emerged.


She stopped,looked around the cavern and stared at the smoke still filling the air across the expanse.From under her robe she produced a small vial. Turning around she spoke to someone or to some thing. From the shadows on the rock emerged a panther, large and well muscled. Again the woman spoke and the panther raised its head and the woman poured the contents of the vial into its mouth. The panther roared and shook its head and then roared again as if in pain. Astrianna and faelan watched intently, they were not going to be caught unawares or taken by surprize again.


The cat took a few steps and stopped. It's body began to shake as if loseing all its muscle control. It made no sound as it waves of rippleing skin ran down its entire body.as if in a dream they watched as the cat grew in size,its head becoming massive and two large fangs grew where the normal canines had been. Muscles like corded rope flexed as it moved. Raiseing its head it roared a roar as primievel as time itself.the creature looked over its shoulder towards the woman and again she spoke to it.The creature nodded its head and turned in Astrianna's and faelan's direction.


"poo" was all Faelan whispered as the monstrous Feline sniffed the air and advanced on them. Faelan and Astrianna looked at each other,nodded and waited. The womans laughter echoed as she hurried into the other tunnel.





As the giant cat approached them Astrianna could see the irises of its eyes aglow.She had foughten big cats like this before and won but this was a sabre toothed monstrouity. She watched it slow,and then it began to croutch.Astrianna readied herself.A cry broke the silence and Astrianna flinched momentarily .It was then that Faelon ran out of the shadows and drew the creatures attention. With a savage roar it lept at Faelon who let fly with his axe and drew his sword. Faelon raised the battle scarred shield up high and steadied himself. The huge cat crashed into the shield and the impact of the cats weight knocked Faelan to the ground. With the shield covering his face Faelon held on for dear life as the enraged cat pummeled the shield.


A familar war cry broke the silence and Faelon caught the end of Astriaanas charge as a blur. The cat howled in pain and turned towards her.Saliva dripped from its mouth and with head low it approaced her. Looking over his shield Faelon saw his axe imbeeded in the cretures shoulder but it seemed not to bother the thing.Blood also ran from a slash along its right hind quarter and he kknew Astrianna had made contact with the beast. Jumpling to his feet Faelon banged on his shield with the pommel of his sword, the cat distracted looked toward him and Astrianna ran in and out and the cat yowled in pain once again and turned to face Astrianna. Faelan charged in,the cat turned end for end in a blur of movement that left faelon facing the cat head on.It leapt and swung a massive paw.


The impact of paw on steel resounded thru the cavern, Faelons shield buckled and his face winched in pain. The cat continued past him,landed and turned. Astrianna sword penetrateed the creatures right shoulder and with another howl of pain it rolled to the left and down its massive rear paws,claws extended lashed out at her. She twisted and countered, severing the left rear paw.But the cat was fast,ungodly fast and its right rear claws caught her armor.Lashings screamed as they neared rupture point and Astrianna was pulled to her knees. Caught off guard she saw to late the other front paw as it seemed like a streak of lightning raceing towards her head. Stars exploded inside her skull and all went black.



Her eyes opened slowly and she waited as her vision cleared.Her head was pounding and she felt as if she'd been hit by a wall of stone.As her vision cleared she sat up. Looking around,she saw the giant cat dead a few feet away. it was covered in blood and faelons axe was still lodged in its shoulder. She stood up, staggered as her vision swan. She steadied herself and then vomited. Once, twice and then dry heaves.She straighted up took a drink of water,rinsed her mouth and spat. She then took a long drink. She looked al around but Faelan was nowhere to be seen. His buckled shield lay by the cat and a small trail of blood led of into the direction the woman had gone.


"Dammit", she said aloud. Why would he leave her.Her mind raced for an answer.had he thought her dead? No, she thought he'd have checked her. What then? Had he just wandered off? The cat was dead and she surmized that Faelan had done it in, but at what cost to himself she wondered.


The last thought she had was that he'd been captured,taken away by someone or something. Thats the only way he'd have left her was by force!.


She walked up to the cat, looked at Faelons shield.The back was covered in blood,she bent and picked it up,sniffed.Faelon's blood she knew it!


Tossing the shield aside she grabbed the axe handle and wretched it from the cats massively muscled shoulder.All she knew was that faelon had most likely slain the cat and had saved her life. Raiseing the axe on high she screamed her war cry and then swung the axe in a visious performance of moves and counter moves.


Light but strong and truely a butchering tool. Turning Astrianna proceeded towards the tunnel where the woman had gone and the blood trail led to.


He had saved her life and by the Goddesses own supple breasts she'd have no mercy on anyone or anything that had taken him or hurt him.Her face became snarled and hate brewed in her eyes!

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