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New Vegas Freezes before Loading Screen - 4GB + NVSE won't work


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I copied the NVSE files to my Steam directory and I downloaded FNV4GB. When I try to play Fallout by running fnv4gb.exe it starts and freezes and I get a Windows prompt that says "FalloutNV has stopped working".

Additional Information:
I am running the program as an administrator.
I have Windows 8 Pro x64. Maybe that is the root of the problem...
If I run nvse_loader.exe, instead of fnv4gb.exe, it works fine. EDIT: now it opens the launcher fine, but crashes when I click "Play". Haven't moved any files around, so not sure why...
Steam is open.

Please help me.

Edited by morris14ccm
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You just have to drop both exe's in the Fallout: New Vegas directory, the 4GB patch works the same as nvse, so you need only run from that. Just add a shortcut to the desktop and you should be sweet.


Remember to have Archive Invalidation set properly and make sure that if you make any changes to your INI files for NV, never to run the FalloutLauncher.exe or revalidate your game cache in steam without backing them up first.

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