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Bug? Absorbing dragon souls from Travelers (vampires)


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So the weirdest thing just happened. I was in Winterhold and encountered one of the Traveler NPCs added by Dawnguard. After talking to it we engaged in combat as usual. My character and two town guards standing by killed it. One of the guards delivered the final blow. I looted it and was about to talk to one of the guards a few seconds later when the dragon soul absorb animation started and I got the "Dragon Soul Absorbed" notice on my screen. There was no dragon around, much less killed. Turning around, though, there was some kind of dissolving cloud effect going on with the Traveler's corpse that I don't recall seeing before. The corpse remained the same after the effect stopped. I also got the standard guard dialogue from after a dragon kill.


Anyone else had this happen or know if this is a bug? I searched the forums but didn't see anything similar.



EDIT: Just to be sure, I circled out quite aways from the fight scene just to make sure there wasn't a dragon taken down by guards at the same time...no dragon carcass anywhere around. Not sure what's up with that.

Edited by drose25
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