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Screwy load order


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Hello, I've spent the past 17 hours installing mods for Fallout 3 so I could play through it again with them...and the one thing I had down initially, has lost me at this point now that I have them all installed. I followed how to set up the load order EXACTLY, and Fallout 3 still crashes every single time on start up...is there something I'm missing?



Edited by iRelyt64
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try using BOSS to set your load order. if its crashing on startup, you might have a missing master (.esm) somewhere. load everything up in FO3Edit. If you are missing a master, it will stop loading and throw an error for the file you are missing.


also, if you are using the master menu module for marts mutant mod, then you should not need natural selection, tougher traders, or zones respawn plugins.


since you are using multiple HUD mods, look into getting the Unified HUD Project to handle those mods

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