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Writer Wanted For DLC-Scale Skyrim Projects


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I don't know if your (platton's) grammar is atrocious on purpose or not, but your post makes little sense.

Don't act, you know exactly what i mean.



@ionis now we're getting somewhere!

This site was linked in his signature the whole time. Maybee you see no sense in what i wrote because you don't care for the affort that is needed for looking into things.



Edit: Sorry for being so ornery, I just find a post asking for help without actually specifying what you need help with to be narcissistic.

This isn't the narcistic part. The narcistic part is the fact, that they demand examples of work as they would do the people who would work for them for free a favor, there is no word about payment, when its the other way around. There are maybee 5 or less people in Hollywood who can write a good story. People neglect the story itself, the glue for the whole project, because the visual effects deceive them. I call that the Avatar effect, which had a total dumb senseless story but everyone was just fixated on the visual effects of the computer generated world pandora.


No, I really don't know what you meant. Seriously, I've seen better organized stream-of-thought. Plus I stopped caring when you started talking about random movies and whatnot that has nothing to do with this thread. The post I've quoted also has atrocious grammar, and I'm hoping that English isn't your first language.


Signatures aren't where information relevant to any particular post goes. They show up everywhere, not just in the one thread. Furthermore, if s/he's working on multiple projects, they have to confirm which project they need a writer for. In the case of large projects, such undertakings often have multiple writers, and one is needed for a particular aspect of the mod. Writing the story of a few characters and how they fit into the larger picture, for example. This is especially true with a DLC sized project.


So hollywood has bad writers, news flash, writers exist outside of hollywood. If I'm understanding correctly, and I had to reread both posts twice to get this far, you want to be paid for this gig? It's a mod, no one gets paid for mods. Donations come in, if you're lucky, with anywhere from $5 to $500 but you're just as likely to receive nothing at all.

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No, I really don't know what you meant. Seriously, I've seen better organized stream-of-thought. Plus I stopped caring when you started talking about random movies and whatnot that has nothing to do with this thread.

What are you, extremly limited?

First you say you wouldn't see any sense in the post and now you say you didn't even read the whole thing. Duuuh? Also, i don't refer to any movies in the first post. Not able to understand and not able to conclude, but at least you have a big signature which does the very thing you are not be able to get by the Topic starters project, listing the own projects! Thanks anyway for wasting space.

Edited by Platton
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No, I really don't know what you meant. Seriously, I've seen better organized stream-of-thought. Plus I stopped caring when you started talking about random movies and whatnot that has nothing to do with this thread.

What are you, extremly limited?

First you say you wouldn't see any sense in the post and now you say you didn't even read the whole thing. Duuuh? Also, i don't refer to any movies in the first post. Not able to understand and not able to conclude, but at least you have a big signature which does the very thing you are not be able to get by the Topic starters project, listing the own projects! Thanks anyway for wasting space.


Stopped caring does not equal stopped reading. You start your post with something as bigoted and nonsensical as: "The Work of the writer who joins up with you looks typical female writer," and have sentences that hold little meaning in English like, "I would you refer to take a look at this how other writers of bestselling books and games work." Much of your post was severely off topic: complaining about who stole ideas from whom, talking about different games, and your opinion on the depth of fantasy writing. Plus, for all your criticism of my not reading his or her signature, you couldn't figure out what genre they needed a writer for. Clearly, you didn't follow the links in his or her signature either.


A signature is a supplement to posting, not substitute for commenting. People can read signatures, if they so choose, but it does not substitute missing information in a post - ever. Yes, my signature includes addresses for articles and mods that I enjoyed or produced. When I make threads related to my signature, however, I don't rely on my signature as part of the post. If one cannot be bothered to finish one's topic, and instead relies upon one's signature, what one has to say doesn't mean much to him or her. In such cases, one's statement means even less to me.


Signatures are like shirts. One can start many different conversations throughout the day, but one will be wearing that same shirt for every exchange. Even if what's written on one's shirt is relevant to a particular discussion, one does not stop mid sentence, and require the other party to fill in the blank by reading one's shirt. At worst, one points to one's shirt; a passive aggressive behavior that's likely to raise ire.


Finally among one's options on the nexus forums, one can ignore all signatures in topics and personal messages, rendering signatures an ineffective method of relaying important information.

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I'm not gonna get involved in this debate, but to anyone else reading, to clarify, we're looking for experienced dialogue writers, to work within a Pre-existing story framework. Examples of previous work is a must.
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Ahem - getting back on topic, I think that this is Platton's point:





If you wanna build a good story around your project, so should you exactly formulate what kind of fiction you would demand.


I would like a writing challenge, I could be available to do it. But first I would like to know a few things.


What kind of writing do you have in mind for this hypothetical DLC? What tone are you going for? What style are you going for? Would you like a simple and light hearted fantasy adventure Where faulted, but amiable personalities from all walks of Tamriel band together to trump the big bad warlock and save the day?


Or, would you like something a tad more complex than that? Something darker, leaning towards the ever fickle and fleeting royal families like in Shakespeare's Henry IV or George RR Martin's Game of Thrones? Family drama on the epic fantasy scale, where an unloved bastard child can rise into a full blown plot to schism the very kingdom asunder?


Or, a simple waverly romantic comedy, perhaps? A great quest might not always have to be a huge, epic, dramatic set piece; The typical Skyrim player has done that for 200 hours. Sometimes the things that go counter to a gamer's expectation stick the longest. A low caste Orc blacksmith and a high caste Altmer Admeri Princess entrapped in a love that can never be, for example. Getting wrapped up in the misadventures of the two could be exponentially more fun than going through yet another dungeon, fighting another dragon, and getting yet another shiny sword.


I have plenty of writing samples - enough to fill your week if you read them all back to back. Could you narrow down the criteria you are searching for, so I can better tailor what I write to what you would want?




I see that on your blog you have a published writer working on this. I'm going to assume she's going to write the main plot, and you are looking for sub-plot writers now?

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The story and plot have already been decided by myself and other developers. We're just looking for dialogue writers to work within the framework of the decided plot.


As for examples, I'm just looking for work that demonstrates ability to write dialogue well in a fantasy setting, similar to the likes of the Elder scrolls. Also a decent understanding of TES lore would be advantageous.


As for story, it's akin to typical TES though leaning towards mystery, intrigue and tragedy.


If you're interested please PM me with your previous work examples, and I'll provide access to our story/plot in full so you can get up to speed.



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