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Armor Breakup WIP


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I searched around to find broken-up armors and found bits and pieces here and there (rarely satisfying) to build a composite armor mod. After hours of searching in vain I decided to do it myself...


I got around the CK, fine I can work that.

I messed with NifSkope a bit and found what I needed there.


Now I'm stuck with 3D editing, my computer doesn't wanna help (old bastard !).


So, I'd need someone who's set up and willing to make me various NIF files with different armor parts of existing armors, I'd put them into my mod (already started to prep the datas in CK).


The goal would be to make something as close as possible to that pic...




In this case the "Dragonplate" armor...


1- Pauldrons

2- Armbands

3- Hauberk (Chestplate)

4- Gaiters

5- Pants (All the way to the butt under the gaiters)

Edited by ZorquanX
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