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Builds/Classes: what would be the most powerful mage?


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of course this mostly comes down to perspective and what people attribute each class with but I have a severly hard time finding information on magic users and their spells. character classes I do find very interesting but their information very limited so im never sure exactly what each class can do. im referring to classes like wizards, paladins, druids, necromancers, warlocks, priests, clerics, and then the elemental specifics and summoners, yadda yadda yadda. I think I have a pretty good idea on most of them, and the ones that aren't listed here but I was just curious, which one would you consider being the most powerful? the one that seemingly cant be stopped no matter what?


EDIT: I should say that I have a hard time finding information that isn't connected to WoW, D&D, and stuff like that.

Edited by thunderwolf86
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I have a summoner/healer level 27 mage that I'm working on. My plan is to heal my followers/summons and have them fight enemies for me. Because of the dumb AI, as long as the enemies aren't aggro'd on me, then I can keep healing my followers as they tank damage for me. I do use shouts and powers when necessary to attack/defend.


As far as stats go, I'm not really sure what I want right now besides 100 conjuration and restoration. Also, I notice the only way to get a healing spell for undead/daedra is to join the vampires in Dawnguard DLC, which kind of conflicts with my character's personality. My character also isn't going to use enchanting because you can easily exploit things to be practically invincible. So far, all my perks have gone only in restoration and conjuration.


Obviously this build I'm going for isn't the most optimal build for damage output, but it is the most interesting, and I see potential for it being pretty unstoppable.

I guess you can call it Summoner Priest build or something.


Also, there are lots of mods out there that change lots of things so build's are definitely going to be different for everyone depending on mods installed.

Edited by Slipski
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