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Request for some simple resources


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EDIT : I have someone working on this so i wont be needing anything from the community....thank you all so much for taking the time to read this over :)




I was wondering if anyone would make a few items for me...they shouldnt be too hard at all i would think. I'm working on an overhaul mod and having those few resources would be absolutely awesome! I did not see what i was looking for on the Nexus and have been waiting for these for quite some time now. I can create all the stuff for the items in the CK...just need the meshes and/or textures is all! Thanks so much in advance!


Items below for all ingot and ore types: Iron, Corundum, Steel, Dwarven, Orichalcum, Ebony, Moonstone, Glass, Gold, Silver, and Quicksilver...i dont think i missed any :biggrin:


Half ingot - Regular ingot scaled down to 50% of normal size

Chunk - Regular ingot scaled down to 25% of normal size and square block shape (if not thats fine too!)

Bit - Regular ore scaled down to 75% of normal size


Leather Strap - Regular leather strip scaled up 25% of normal size

Leather Square - Regular leather scaled down to 75% of normal size and square (if not thats fine too!)

Ruins Cloth - Recolored with the basic ROYGBIV colors plus white and black

Kindling - Regular firewood scaled down to 50% of normal size and "skinny-ed" up (if not thats fine too!)

Stick - Regular wood log scaled down to 5-15% of normal size to look like a stick


Nothing has to be fancy...just something quick and easy.


I would really appreciate whoever could make this resource!


Thank you!



Edited by warlordmordrid
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