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Chin Beard


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This is a request for a new beard style, that only covers the chin and jaw. Like the full beards but without a mustasche, a bit Abraham Lincoln/Amish-esque, I guess :P There was such a style in Dragon Age, so if anyone's played that game you might know what I'm talking about.


I wanted one of my characters to have a beard like that, but then I realized that that's not an option in Skyrim, so instead I had to settle for the one that only covers the chin, with the little knot at the end...Anyway, I can't imagine this would be exceedingly difficult to do so if anyone is up for it that would be fantastic!

Edited by NorthernMonkey
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This is what it looked like in Dragon Age. So it would really just be a matter of removing the mustasche from already existing beards in Skyrim, I guess. With the right skills, I can't imagine that it would be very difficult. I think it would go well with both mage characters, like this guy, and warriors, like my character.

Edited by NorthernMonkey
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