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An idea for a college of winterhold mod that will make it more immersi


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Simple yet effective, turn the college into an actual college. add a door that goes down to a lower area, to a hall with 3 main wings.


- The 1st is a classroom, just a room with benches and a podium like in the bards college up front. Add 12-16 npcs called "student" sitting and listening to an instructor, he can be named. The students attend class 5 days a week then wander around the college.


- The 2nd room is a gymnasium, just a big room with practice dummys and student npcs shooting magic at them, can add whatever else you want


- 3rd is a cafeteria, a room with tables and an npc with a chefs outfit cooking things in a kitchen, there is an npc in the front behind a desk where you can buy food from


(One thing that will be really cool is you can have someone record dialoge for the instructor talking about magic, maybe restoration on monday and destruction on tuesday etc)

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