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Is there a no-pause-during-battle mod?


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Basically what I want is a mod that disables pause and menu during battle, until it returns to peace. Or is there a way to make this possible via console commands? I got a mod for more hotkeys, so I'm not limited to vanilla Skyrim's hotkeys for pots/spells.

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It's only you that's pausing it! You should be ok if you're using hotkeys. Just don't press it! :)

You wouldn't want to disable it anyway, what if your door bell rings when you're in a boss fight?

Edited by tizerist
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OMG can you imagine - n the middle of fighting Alduin (Or whatever his name is) and then you both have a tiny bit of health left and just as you're about to hit him, someone comes to the door and ou just remembered - you downloaded the no pause during battles mod and then you died.

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