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Plasma weapons effect


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I run 'sensible dismemberment' the lite version, so as to have the fewest possibilties of conflicts; but I was thinking how nice it would be to lessen the laser and the plasma rifle's tendency to disintigrate targets. It seems to be incredibly high, I have A3-21's Plasma gun or whatever it is called, and it seems like every shot disintigrates. I'd like a mod that only changes the energy weapons, to lessen the chance of that occuring.


I'm pretty certain it can be done, as I also run a mod that changes the .32 to .357; as well as rechambering the hunting rifle to fire 5.56 cartriges. The sensible dismemberment lite still functions, so I would think an add on to the laser style weapons that dropped the chance of that occuring to say 20%? would fit in nicely!


Anyone have one already in personal use? or have the skills in Geck to alter the necessary files?



Thanks in advance!

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The disintigration effect is caused when you get a critical and kill the target in the same shot. The only way to lessen this is to remove it entirely (as I have) or lower the critical chance.


Either way, it's not hard to do. To eliminate the effect entirely, go into the stats file for the weapon you want to mod and set the critical effect to "NONE." To reduce the critical chance just find the critical multiplier % box and set the number to zero (I'm not sure if it accepts negative numbers). Bear in mind, that number is just what the gun adds to your natural critical chance, so if your skills are really high you will still get the disintigration effect fairly often.

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Setting the critical multiplier to 0 will mean you will never crit with that weapon, setting it to 1 will mean your chance to crit = your luck (plus 5 if you have the finesse perk). setting it to 2 will make crit chance = 2x(luck+finesse). 0.5 = (luck+finesse)/2 ect ect
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