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Help with some Fallout 3 weapon mod textures


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Ok. so i decide to get a couple of weapon mods and i get one. then i get FOMM, because it was suggested with people in to modding, which i am, and i turn the weapon mod on. All is good until i get in game. i get the rifle/pistol (in this case pistol) and the model is there. But the textures on it is just silver, and sometimes when i reload the weapon it goes black then silver again. the color is just silver and i don't know what to do. and i cant find fallout.ini for some bizzare reason. i need help. I've been trying to figure this out for hours :wallbash:
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Sounds like the model's missing a texture. Check if you placed the textures in the right folder.

The Fallout.ini is by default located in your My Documents folder, under My Games\Fallout3.

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check you're file structure is correct






chances are that'll be the cause of it, either that or possibly some kind of shader problem?

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My friend and I have the same problem. It isn't just one mod it's every mod. All the Meshes seem to be in order. I put on the new suit I downloaded and I was covered with the texture of a nuka-cola machine. The meshes appear to change from where I am and what angle I'm looking at it. Could this be a problem with the updates? :wallbash:
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Im having the same problem, the effects of the weapon look fine but the texture of the weapon is jsut bright silver/shiny black depending on which direction you are facing, ive tried removing the folders and getting it to have a simple as path as possible and see if that does ought. I have a no patched version if there is a patch for this game :P
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