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the mods...dun dun duuun


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i want alot of mods but have no idea where to put them....my first try i downloaded them to "my documents" and once they downloaded i moved them to "my games" and into oblivion and still the mod dosent work it was 300 spartan armour by SPARTAN VI or IV cant remember but please reply with instructions on where to put them and do i need to make a new oblivion character to buy them. HELP NEEDED ASAP! :wallbash:
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Oh, that's easy. Take the mod files, find a readme among them, do as it says. Oh, of course mod's author could forget making one... but I DOUBT it. In any case, if the mod is good, then author is surely attentive enough to make one.
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sorry but erm...WOW! confusing so i download the file to where though? or a link or url would be appricated to a web that has instructions on how to download them off tesnexus :wacko:. Oh can anyone suggest a good mod for new races and hair because they are hard to find and i dont want to pay for them. Thanks for the help
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To expand on what dezi said, the actual mod (esp file) goes into '*Instal folder*/program files/bethesda/oblivion/data' folder. Meshes (nif, tri, egm) go into the meshes folder in the data folder, and textures (dds) into textures. If you need any more help just refer to the readme.
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Welcome to Tesnexus


Here is a link to a set of help files for people new to mods. They go from downloading, unzipping, installing, getting the mod into the game and include a sample mod to work with as well as a link to 7-zip, a very good unzipping program (required for mods)


If you are interested, click on the highlighted text below to be taken to the site.




It would be good to read them from the beginning.


If you want a lot of mods, It is a good idea to have some way to organize them.

Create a folder somewhere to download mods into, keep them separate from other downloads.

In that folder, create a new folder for each mod and put the zipped mod you downloaded there.

Then unzip it into that folder.

Use that folder to install the mod into the game - copy , don't move them - that way you will have a backup for each mod with information on what it put into the game - sometimes needed if you want to completely remove a mod.


Now, be sure to get OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) and OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender)


Obse is required for many mods OBSE: http://obse.silverlock.org/


OBMM makes working with many mods much simpler, don't worry about all of the features, at first you will use it like the DATA function on the Oblivion start up menu. But it will allow you to change the order that mods load. As you learn more about mods, you may want to try some of the other functions.

OBMM: http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm.html


These are not mods, but separate programs. The do not install like mods so be sure to read the install and how to use instructions that come with each before attempting to install them.


It sounds complicated, but once OBSE is installed, you will never see it as it works in the background. OBMM is easy to use and will make other things simpler.

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Almost all mods install the same. Always read any readme that comes with each mod for special instructions, such as needing another mod or needing OBSE. Armors, as well as many other mods usually have mesh and texture files that must be put into the proper folders.
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OMG!!! Thanks for the help n'all but its so danm confusing :wallbash: even with instructions i didnt even know half of what you meant...Let me rephrase that I didnt know ANYTHING of what you meant. why can they just download to the right place by themself im sure bethesda mods do..well thats what i read can anyone make me a link to bethesda mods where they are packaged and everything. :thanks: Oh and sorry for being a complete dip.
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These mods are not made by Bethesda. They are made by unpaid players like you who love the game and have learned how to make the mods. Each one has their own way of doing things and each one believes their way is the best. As the user, it's your responsibility to figure it out. There is lots of help here, just ask.


Thousands of others have figured out how to install mods and you can too.


To play mods, you MUST learn a little about your computer, how files are stored and how to move and copy them.

You probably weren't expecting an education to come with the mods, but it does.


The main reason they can't download to the right place by themselves is they don't know where the right place is. On my system, Oblivion is installed on D:\Games\Bethesda. On the default install, it is C:\program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. And on a Vista, the default install location actually causes problems when you start working with mods.


Just don't give up. it's really easier than it looks at first.

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