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Malborn and Ysolda problems! need help!


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Hey guys,


Well, Belethor died and Ysolda inherited ownership over Belethor's General Goods. I liked Belethor as the store owner and so I resurrect Belethor original id by using the correct codes and hes working as he should. However, I tried the codes prid <Ysolda's Id> then removefac <id> and addfac <faction id> -1 on Ysolda but nothing happens? I wanted her to return to the market area outside of the store.


I'm also having an issue with Malborn, the bosmer elf from diplomatic immunity. After completing the quest and escaping with the prisoners outside the cave from the thalmor embassy, I've waited a few hours outside the cave and then fast travelled to Windhelm only to find Malborn either waiting outside of the Candlehearth hall inn doing nothing at all or infront of the gates to WIndhelm. When hes at the gates he will all of a sudden run back all the way to the thalmor embassy. I used the the command player.moveto to get to Malborn and I found him inside the bar area in the party room. Malborn is supposed to go to the New Gnisis Cornerclub and give the "Find the Thalmor Assassin" quest. Anyone know how I can fix this issue?


By the way, why would Malborn escape the thalmor embassy and then run all the way back to the embassy... while shouting, "Now the Thalmor are gonna come after me!"

Edited by iceurface18
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