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need help making a particular patch


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so I'm trying to create a separate compatibility patch between [post=https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57373]Ghoulville[/post] and MoreMojave. Specifically, I want to make a separate .ESP file that will either delete the landscape changes in certain MoreMojave cells that overlap with ones from Ghoulville or cause the cell changes from certain areas Ghoulville to completely overwright those from MoreMojave in the same part of the map for as long as the .ESP file is loaded. the thing is that IDK how to do this; previously, I've tried deleting the cell changes from the MoreMojave cells that conflict with Ghoulville cells in the same area inside FNVEdit, but I don't know how to get these changes to be saved in a separate .esp patch file instead of the base MoreMojave ESM.


Can anyone run me through how to make a patch file like this? because while I'm familiar with the basics of xEdit I've yet to been able to get any changes/deletions I make in it on a particular .ESM/.ESP file to be saved inside a separate esp as a patch.

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You are talking about a "compatibility patch" which is a new, separate file you create to resolve those differences. Please see the wiki article "Compatibility Patching" for the basic process. (It has a video.) There is also the "Multiple file Merge-Up Procedure" article for a more complex example with three "master" plugins for the patch. You will also want to check in the "Tome of xEdit" about "overrides" and other terms used.


Edited by dubiousintent
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