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Made a Mod... Skyrim Hangs when Trying to Load Exterior Cells


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I'm not sure what I did... I went through TES5Edit and found some dirty edits I had, nothing really major. ( I deleted a few items, resolved the issues in TES5Edit). I've looked through all the cell data and compared to what it would normally be. I know it is my mod because Skyrim runs fine without loading the mod. When I do load the mod, I can load into any interior cell -- but no exterior cell will load (Hangs on the loading screen -- still runs i.e. cycles through text and the item moves about).


Another interesting thing, I was modding while having Pure Waters | Lush Greens | Realistic Lighting | And a light striping fix. Loading these mods (or any of them) with my mod makes the game work just fine (Mainly the first three). All other mods i have are either sounds/items or localized fixes (City overhauls).


I did make changes to the SkyrimPrefs.ini and SkyrimEditor.ini to enable auto-updating of the grasses in the Creation Kit. (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/556001-deleting-landscape-grass-lol/page-3 Link to the forum post that explains what I did | POST BY YODUDE12, 21 February 2012)


I've attached the mod file through a mediafire download below:


Mediafire Download:



Let me know If I need to elaborate in some areas -- I'm currently frustrated and tired of trying to resolve my issue(s) (who knows how many I have...)


Thanks for any help you can provide!

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