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Weird glowing/blur effect in some interiors


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<p>For some reason, there is an odd glowing effect in certain interiors in my game. It happens in some random dungeons, the basement in the Lakeview home in Hearthfire, and the cave that you find the monk in in Dawnguard. Even odder, whenever I activate an ENB in my game, the effect goes away. ENBs usually slow my game down, so I would like to just be able to find a fix for this. Anyone know what might be wrong? Here's an image of it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=134318174


Edit: Okay, I found the source of the problem. It's the Imaginator mod. Even when I set it to it's default settings. Anyone know why it's doing this?</p>

Edited by Link01000
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