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Well sense they kicked me out of the chat room, because i suppose that for some reason asking some one to send me the file is wrong. Thats just compeletely f*#@ing stupid, if your telling me the people that made skse are so worryied that some one is gonna send their files out, or change them, or what ever the hell they are gonna do with them. Then f*#@ you the making of SKSE, i dont want your stupid s#*! anyways, you greedy stupid bastard. Stop being stuck on your high dick horse, thinking your all cool cause you made a stupid skyrim mod, and if some one takes it and says they made it. Who the hell cares. You really need help if you make things for skyrim, for f*#@ing recognition. You cant even make money off of any kind of thing like that because you dont own it.

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And sense thats how you bastards are, kicking me out of a room for that. f*#@ you and skyrim, and your mods. God damn, never heard such bitches. No ones gonna risk their account to send me SKSE, what the f*#@ is that kind of bull s#*!. Thanks for ruining my night. Ill just have to wait till Elder scrolls MMo is out, where you fruit loop modders, cant change anything to the game.

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Before they kicked me out of the chat room, they told me it was down. And they wouldent risk thier account to send me the file, because it will be back up. I swear, f***ing losers. Risk losing a account, if you care that much about your nexus account, your pretty f***ed up in the head lol. Ruin some ones night, when it would take u 3.2 seconds to send me a 400kb file. Bastards!!! and dont send it to me now, cause some ones prolly gonna get butt hurt, and send me a virus lol. Not to mention i dont need it, i deleted my 4gbs of mods i just downloaded, and 10gb skyrim. Thanks though, i prolly would have wasted another 50 hours of my life in skyrim lol. RISK LOSING A NEXUS ACCOUNT, your f***ing redicoulos i swear.



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But seriously, could someone please upload the files really quick? I would like to get back to playing :P


Thanks (if anyone does upload it :P)


Edit: Unless, of course, you're not supposed to redistribute it. If that's the case, I guess I'll just have to wait it out.

Edited by Moto2014
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It does indeed appear to be down, as it does not load for me, and downforeveryoneorjustme.com seems to think it's down as well. It is interesting how many mods require it now, and that is why I make sure not to let Steam update Skyrim until I have downloaded every mod that will need updating, as well as the script extender, and Script Dragon.




No one wants to "risk losing their nexus account" because you only get one. If you get banned, you're not allowed to just make another one (and you're not allowed to make a second even if you're not banned). If they find out someone has bypassed a ban, they will ban the person again. And they are quite good at figuring that out.

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