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Force of Water - Real Rapids and Waterfalls


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I'm always interested in mods that make the wilderness more dangerous without spamming players with wolf attacks, bandits and monsters. The game has about enough of that. I noticed water falls and rapids are not too strong, nor are rivers. Anyone with the know how, please create a mod that makes water the force of nature it is. It should be preferable to use a bridge for more than the Frostfall mod's cold water effects.


I want rivers that can pull you down randomly and cause you to ragdoll down rapids or a waterfall with deadly force, taking small to large percentages of health. Maybe if it took stamina to cross large falls and made it so you have to walk when crossing rushing water shallow enough to wade across. Also, the force of rivers on swimmers should be much stronger in certain spots and in certain rivers.


I'm not sure if script extenders allow for all this, but if they allow for any of it, there must be a talented modder who can make this happen.


Let me know what you think.

Edited by Ensrick
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